bobjonkman groups, page 2
These are the groups whose notices bobjonkman listens to.
til Today I Learned...
Fountain of random knowledge. What did you learn today?
hpr Hacker Public Radio (HPR)
An Internet Radio show (podcast) that releases shows produced by the community every weekday Monday through Friday.
fellowship Friends of FSFE Europe
The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is a charity that empowers users to control technology. This groups is for all friend of FSFE to discuss and share Free Software and FSFE related topics.
amiga Amiga
Group for everything related to Amiga, be it classic or NG sytems.
humor Humor
mate MATE Desktop Environment
MATE Desktop Environment, a desktop for users, using traditional computing desktop metaphor.
freenet Freenet Project
Decentral, anonymous communication and data-exchange via a distributed datastore with pubkey namespaces.
snbug StatusNet & GNU Social bugs
Oh, WTF federation--you has bugs! Someone should file these in the bug-tracker. Where *is* the GNU Social BTS anyway...?
politik Politik
Alles zu Politik (bis ein Thema so groß wird, dass es eine eigene Gruppe *braucht*, weil wir nichts anderes mehr sehen ☺).