bobjonkman subscriptions
These are the people whose notices bobjonkman listens to.
lxo Alexandre Oliva (moving to Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Main interests: Free Software, Neurodivergence, Veganism, Marxism, Politics, Social Justice, Environment; Affiliations: GNU, FSFLA, 0G, Linux-libre, GCC, glibc, Libre-SOC, AdaCore; Languages: Português; English; Español; learning Esperanto, French, Ukrainian, Japanese; AKA
fu Ji Fu
<p>#FamilyMan been married for >15 years and have two daughters. Those three girls are my greatest love on this planet.</p><p>I consider myself a #GNU Evangelist. Learning about what #FreeSoftware was, including GNU/Linux, opened my eyes to so many things: governments aren't the only ones stealing individual rights, I know so much less about computers than I thought I did, the idea of code, I can make a difference without having to know anyone particular.</p><p>I'm employed as contract Engineer in th …
lxo Alexandre Oliva (moved to Campinas, SP, Brazil
This account moved to because is shutting down on 2024-12-31.
guizzy just an actual husbear
Bear<br><br>Wife: <span class='h-card'><a data-user='9mgqq1TGHhaOkc4jS4' class='u-url mention' href=''>@<span></span></a></span>
thegibson The_Gibson {UTC -4}
Mayor of Hackers.townA meat serf in a digital cropsharing arrangementA netizen of New Cyberia.
mikehales mike_hales 💔*!?¿*
#LibertarianSocialist #designer #anthropologist #P2Pcommons #patternLanguage #nobot
kyzh kyzh
Ramblings? EN/FR I take forever to reply or make lots of typos or both. I like absurd and purple. microwave: Breville Quick Touch, BMO734XL kind and quietly supportive boringly cis and hetero. very platonic deplatforming works The profile picture is a Mutant Standard emoji (, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( UI560
inkslinger captain typ0
Boring old man from western Canada (Treaty 6 territory). Among the oldest of the millennials. Probably too many toots about politics. Also just random thoughts because I need to shout at the void. I pretend to be a hacker because I use Linux, but terminal commands still feel like magic incantations at this point. I'm still learning. Boosts are not endorsements, except when they are.
postbluev PostBlueV@2Mb.SociaL UK
It's @PostblueV & , At *2MB.SociaL*. Likely to Change FoRmer UsernAmes to NOW AccepTable STandArds..Nerd NuT! (1 Of 2 Accts.) <3
cryptoparty CryptoParty
CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital spac
pedro Pedro@Loadaverage.
Hi I am Pedro at The Loadaverage.Org and Seeking To Boggle My Self With Universal Truths. Join The Federation! :)
kyle Kyle Rankin
Purism CSO. Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks, ex-Linux Journal writer PGP: 0DFE 2A03 7FEF B6BF C56F 73C5 B9E
dredmorbius Doc Edward Morbius ⭕
Space Alien Cathttps://dredmorbius.reddit.comAdministrivia:
cambridgeport90 Katherine M. Moss
Service Desk representative. Technologist, musician, and lover of all things otherworldly. I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. Find me either playing with my network, playing the piano, hanging with my friends in the city, or talking to faeries.
eloisa Eloísa & them Seagulls
I do #Photography & #Poetry;am #LollipopCloud's Community Manager;Moderate & Admin some instances + projects.They/She | #NoBot | or in ES:
sergiodj Sergio Durigan Junior
GDB Hacker. GNU contributor. Free Software activist. Founder of LibrePlanet São Paulo (in Brasil). GPG key: 0x65FC5E36.