firehose subscriptions, page 13
These are the people whose notices firehose listens to.
followbot FederationBot de Mamut Social
FederationBot para mejorar las conexiones al Fediverso de Mamut Social. Info/Quejas:
jondoeblank1 jondoeblank1
davehunt David Hunt Watertown MA, USA
free software user/advocate; blind; gay; long-term partnership; fan of reading and listening music.
make Make
Introverted (INFJ) techie who likes to tinker different software on Linux. Interested in privacy and security. Wire: @m_raitisoja
hardmous DJ hardmous
I DJ Psy Trance and Goa Saturday nights 10 PM UTC on live from the Super Dimension Fortress. Home of Korendians
druonysus Drew Adams
#openSUSE Advocate. Sr DevOps Engineer at #LabZero. #PamperedChef Consultant. #LosAngeles #California
modernindustrial Modern Industrial
<p>Engineer/father/husband/nerd into most things tech, science, and art. New Canadian/US expat. There will be robots.</p>
nicolasmaia γγ³γ©γΉ Rio de Janeiro
esperanto-speaking vegan copyleftist democratic socialist commoner (pt, en, eo, ja)
forteller forteller
Huge supporter of federated social networks, #FOSS etc. Got some visibility through my blogpost on beating Fb w/federation many moons ago. Green Party! Hi Identi.can folks! #Norway #freegan #hashtags4directory
whistlewright Algernon Whistlewright
writer, web developer, minimalist, off-grid aspirant, Looking for a simpler and quieter life.
linux Linux
Linux is a computer operating system family for freedom. Replace your Windows PC with Linux and get ready to possibly be surprised! News, tips & related buzz. Try and use Linux: Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Solus / Pop!_OS / MX Linux.
dansup [MOVED] Daniel Canada
[MOVED TO MASTODON] Working on gnu/social @
hamishcampbell vagabond
A river that needs crossing political and tech - On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over complexity
cosullivan Christina β π¨π¦
Coffee drinker, reader, geocacher, pen pal. Linux. Flaneuse. Introvert. ADHD. #nobot
dansup dansup
Full stack developer from π¨π¦Creator of @pixelfed, admin of #design #webdev #beer
morganastra Rosa Astra
I make and stuff. rabbit-hole spelunker. mostly here for the plant gossip βπΉ
angle ββ Comrade Angles ββ
25 | β§ | Enby | Glorious Machine Being | Open Source Programmer | Longmont, CO | DANGER! LONG POSTS! | U/G/w