@revenant > enjoy getting severe vomiting wat, it's not an emetic, it's even used sometimes to prevent vomiting (obtained pure, or e.g. through home remedies like burnt toast)
> none of your medications work anymore only if you eat it with your medication, and even then, the amount in here is probably substantially lower than medical doses
also if charcoal is medicine then literally any slightly burnt/charred food is medical now, or any food with E153/CI77266
@mikeburns except that you're using a platform that is, compared to the big three, absolutely exotic and obscure
if that's your definition of "not portable" that's fine, but it certainly doesn't challenge the generally accepted definition because if it would, then no software would be portable, since even things like libc don't just run on whatever you throw at them without placform specific changes
@mikeburns bsds are, unfortunately, obscure and very sparsely used on desktops compared to even linux
if bsds had an eula it'd say "when you install this os, there's no guarantee that third party software outside of ports will be even remotely compatible", i know i've signed that clause in my head when i started using bsds
@mikeburns electron's obvious problems like grotesque resource usage aside, why doesn't electron run on your systems? and how does that affect electron's portability?
if it's because it's not compatible with openbsd and that's what you run, it's like complaining that you don't get graphics drivers from nvidia and ati when using amigaos