#Labor: Los Angeles County Unified School District teachers will strike on Monday, after failure to reach agreement in long deadlocked contract negotiations https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/l-teachers-plan-strike-monday-after-no-deal-was-reached-n957966
Notices by maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)
maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Saturday, 12-Jan-2019 17:52:35 EST maeve
maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Saturday, 31-Mar-2018 21:01:05 EDT maeve
#France: Fears of a replay of the 1968 workers rebellion paralyze France, government austerians and their corporate masters are quaking in their boots. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/world/france-paralysed-as-unions-revive-the-spirit-of-1968-6lslz5j90 (London Times, which thinks workers should be quiet)
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Thursday, 22-Mar-2018 20:32:49 EDT maeve
An infographic on the success of US propaganda over time convincing people that the US was most to be credited for the defeat of the Third Reich, despite long establish proof to the contrary https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DY1xULCVMAAD7rL.jpg
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Tuesday, 13-Mar-2018 18:19:20 EDT maeve
#Spain #labor union CCOO, representing 1000+ @Amazon workers, announces a 2 day strike to protest low wages and attacks on workers' rights https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-spain/spains-amazon-workers-call-two-day-strike-over-wages-rights-idUSKCN1GP13L
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2018 22:52:50 EST maeve
#Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: "Washington must stop spending tax dollars to fund regime change wars". She is a voice crying in the wilderness, #militarism rules supreme in the US https://www.rt.com/usa/416290-gabbard-stop-arming-terrorists-support/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Dec-2017 22:46:47 EST maeve
An interview with a member of #antifascist and #antiracist Redneck Revolt, in which the member calls for a policy of fighting #racism first. "Our stance is that our entire capitalist system is built on a bedrock of white supremacy" https://www.alternet.org/activism/redneck-revolt-says-fight-racism-first-then-economics
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Monday, 04-Dec-2017 19:13:58 EST maeve
Center for American Progress analysis on serious impacts on disabled adults and children in the #GOP tax plan, presently preparing for a House / Senate conference on the final bill https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/disability/news/2017/11/27/443277/republican-tax-plan-tax-disability/
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2017 20:56:42 EST maeve
#FBI chief says the Bureau is investigating "#antifa sympathizers", which one might interpretation of a thoughtcrime campaign http://www.newsweek.com/antifa-sympathizers-investigated-fbi-728340 Article features remarks by Antifa historian Mark Bray
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2017 21:23:29 EST maeve
How a half educated #tech elite delivered us into chaos. Key paragraph: "Put simply, what Google and Facebook have built is a pair of amazingly sophisticated, computer-driven engines for extracting users’ personal information and data trails, refining them for sale to advertisers in high-speed data-trading auctions that are entirely unregulated and opaque to everyone except the companies themselves." [and perhaps opaque to themselves] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/19/how-tech-leaders-delivered-us-into-evil-john-naughton
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Saturday, 18-Nov-2017 21:14:11 EST maeve
@Amazon captures public domain works from The Anarchist Library (e.g. Kropotkin's "Great French Revolution) and sells them to its Kindle customers
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Friday, 17-Nov-2017 21:48:33 EST maeve
A demonstration that #Thailand is living in an alternate universe, "shored up by middle class post-truth numbness": Deputy PM Somkid declares #poverty will be eliminated in 2018 https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/1362539/backpedalling-in-a-parallel-thai-universe
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Wednesday, 25-Oct-2017 21:14:00 EDT maeve
The number of nations permiting visa-free travel to US passport holders has fallen dramatically since #Trump's election http://www.newsweek.com/under-trump-us-passport-falls-sixth-place-global-ranking-692594
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2017 19:23:44 EDT maeve
#Japan: PM Abe's Liberal Democrats turn back challenge from Tokyo mayor Keiko, and retain supermajority. Abe likely will push constitutional amendment to remove pacifism provision, in order to intensify militarization https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/japanese-voters-brave-typhoon-to-cast-ballot-in-snap-election/2017/10/22/8c7aeab4-b5dd-11e7-9e58-e6288544af98_story.html
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maeve (acrata@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Monday, 09-Oct-2017 20:37:45 EDT maeve
The #Catalonia crisis permits #Spain's Popular Party gov't to deflect attention from numerous #corruption charges against its leading figures
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