@Are0h yeah, I think from a sith perspective we can even see the whole imperial project as basically Palpatine wanting to maximise strife+suffering for his own ends, disaster capitalism style ('greed is good'='peace is a lie, there is only passion'??)–I can't imagine he ever saw himself has having alllies, just various playthings to smash into each other. Reminded of a really good in-universe style summation of that fan theory, in the form of an obituary for Leia Organa: https://mobunited.wordpress.com/2016/12/28/leia-organa-a-critical-obituary/
Recently I took part in a v. special project–A Peculiar Organism of Unlimited Kindness and Benevolence, a gorgeous digital zine to raise funds & awareness to preserve the Amazon. 12 artists! 22pg of incredible, diverse+exclusive artwork! $5+! profits go to the Rainforest Action Network, Rainforest Alliance and Amazon Watch! Get it here: 🌿 https://gumroad.com/l/apeculiarorganism 🌿 https://papayaya.itch.io/a-peculiar-organism
I'd like to take a moment of your timeline to ask folks to use CamelCase in your tags. I didn't know until I came to masto that this helps people who use screen readers parse them as words rather than jumbles of characters. When there are multiple words mashed together in a tag, try capitalising each one, for instance #CommissionMe#CallForArt#LookingForArtist
Good morning friends! Clouds simmering away again at last & the heat is a big relief. I'd thought the buddleia looming over our fence was flowering, but evidently that was just a prelude—now in full bloom & w/warmth distilling the perfume its sweet scent is a powerful, almost physical presence filling the garden like a bowl.
Heavy lethargy slowly lifting—aiming to be patient still, let recovery take its time.
May we recognise our own value today, & nurture ties w/those who treat us w/respect!
Thank you so much @rheall for this lovely postcard! I'd love to keep the chain of good vibes going, so for those wanting something fun in the mail I'll send a postcard to the first three folks to reply to this post (or you can nominate a recipient!) You can choose any from this selection: https://www.spideronasnail.co.uk/art-by-james-allan-dale
Goodnight friends! A day of winds & rushing, everchanging skies. It was almost uncanny watching through the window, seeing a featureless overcast sky become bright blue, all the leaves gaining stained glass radiance before returning to grey within a few minutes. It was like the way days whip by in timelapse photography.
An exhausted low-energy day for me–bad sleep & intermittent rain conspiring—so even w/o the weather it felt like I was in strange slow motion.
Goodnight friends! A damp, unpreposessing day, with vibrant pinpricks of orangey-red from new crops of ripening berries. There were several stretches of fine, almost silent misty rain, giving that pavements a dull sheen to match the pale grey sky.
That rain snuck up on me & v. quickly got into my bones, slowing me down & stopping me from getting any sleep until now.
May we appreciate the quiet ways in which we've grown today, & believe in our capacity to continue towards kinder, better selves!
#reintroductions are in the air, & I'm nothing if not extremely pliable! I'm James, @paralithode but in a smaller community w/a nicer feel! I'm an illustrator, fantasist & broad-spectrum nerd.
I've lived w/ #CFSME since I was 14–a chronic illness that affects cognition & means I'm always exhausted+in pain. Usually not v. active (except for boosting a lot of visual art & some nice social justice threads), tho every day I say goodnight before I got to bed.
Goodnight friends! Today really slipped by me, kinda shaken up by a long, painful+exhausting period of immobility yesterday, one that came mostly out of the blue. Shorter+less severe today, but still sore moments—sleep thrown utterly off course again for now.
The weather stayed close & warm, wind rapidly flipping through weather channels from overcast murk to sunlight with piercing, dizzying physical presence.
May we find & value the chance to listen to & trust each others' experiences today!
https://spideronasnail.co.uk updated & we're really excited by our curent print selection. There's gorgeous brand new animals, we've restocked some favourites & found some older work that hasn't been seen much before. The colours came out super vivid & true on our mini prints, which are really pleasing oversized-postcard dimensions.
Goodnight friends! Sun broke apart & through a sulky grey morning bit by bit, until by the evening cement was hot under bare feet.
A lot of my energy today was taken up w/a classic housework errand—emptying all the bins, taking all the rubbish+recycling to the end of the road for pick-up. I probably mention this whenever I do it—it's such an unutterable pleasure+privilege to have days when I''m able to take part in maintaining our household.
May we find joy & love in serving each other today!
Goodnight friends! Another day of wind slowly winding down from brightness & motion to grey, humid stillness. The air smells like stone again, & there were prickly shocks of potential rain on the skin whenever I was outside.
As my mind swims into clarity I feel something like I imagine people wearing glasses for the first time feel; almost visceral feeling of understanding, everything gains sharp, crystal edges.
May we greet each other w/solidarity & humility today, to lift us all up together!
Goodnight friends! While the clouds aren't in full retreat, they were already much thinned & paled by morning. By midday the streets were starting to simmer gently again. We set off into town for another(!) zine event—everyone in the city seems a little heat-dazed.
The experience of being in fellowship w/folks engaged in & passionate about making art & generating cultural experiences felt overwhelming & encouraging all over again.
May we find & share inspiration & joy in our communities today!
Goodnight friends! After an afternoon of slowly encroaching shade the unbroken streak of ferocious brightness broke this evening. I couldn't quite believe it until I stood on the still-hot wet concrete pavement in the blue dark, my head damp & full of the thick sandy smell of petrichor.
I was p. knocked out most of today, having pushed my physical limits the past few days. It feels at least unusually temporary, like real exhaustion.
May we grow in understanding of ourselves & each other today!
Goodnight friends! There was a comfortable breeze on & off today, & the first sight in days of significant clouds, looking determined & ponderous. Perhaps a break in the weather ahead? A sticky, glossy beetle-black pool of melted pitch has formed around the base of the telephone pole.
Moving onward w/exercise & research today—my brain+my muscles both reaching a half-pleasurable ambiguous point of struggle, where challenges start.
May we empower each other to act justly & compassionately today!
Goodnight friends! More heat today, & more slow-baked lethargy, the air largely still. Cats seeking refuge under cars, birds hushed, pedestrians doing their best to slide from the shadow of one tree to the next. Only crickets, dry brown in the brown dry grass, seem excited.
I had a few bursts of activity though, most of if a little aimless—surging forward a little with light exercises, more NVC research, drawing that isn't really for anything.