This is a moderated instance. We curate our view of the Fediverse, often heavily, to keep abuse and hatred away from our home. Don't be their source.
"It is our hope that users will not silence, but rather will amplify the voices of those groups at risk of being unfairly subjected to harassment and discrimination, particularly those who have not always felt welcomed by the open-source community. "
Happy Weekend! :flan_hurrah: Not sure what to do with yours? Try choosing something you'd enjoy telling your BSD-loving friends and peers about in September!
@temporal We have one person who explains their diff, then carefully but briefly explains their reasoning, then explains it again in detail, with context and notes about past and future development efforts where appropriate, and some weeks I only barely resist sending flowers.
not an inside joke not a reference to a private discussion not a sarcastic reference to something that requires a lot of background to understand you're just kidding not something grandiose to be cute over something that's super minor
or if you do, still just put it clearly at the end
thank, <3, the person digging through very old commit logs without the benefit of archived dev discussion or easy access to the diffs
In openbsd you have a mentor who makes sure your stuff works, you meet people, etc. Mine miscalculated :flan_peek: and answers all sorts of questions for me. (All. Sorts). complete with asides, historical notes, hints and tips. Those exchanges are mega-valuable for me.
Because I don't know, and I don't always know how to find out. If I could find that in a workplace? *I could do the work.* No doubt in my mind. Train people, tech! You're not wizards. :flan_laugh:
You're hearing everyone talk about Patreon all of a sudden because we all just got a "our shit is more together but not fixed" email. (I wasn't paid in full last month, and I'm not alone).
If you support someone you know depends on pledges for things which *can't* be delayed (i.e. food, medicine - this isn't me!) you might want to toss a bit extra at them over a more reliable channel if you can for these first few days. Combined with etsy's fuckup, the creative community's on edge a bit.
1) Clean your gear. Whatever it is. Clean it. 2) Buy coffee with a one-way valve in the bag. If explosion isn't a risk, you don't want it. Grind your own, even just at the grocery store. 3) Use decent-tasting, fresh water 4) Aim for decent storage conditions (not on top of your fridge) 5) Find the most recently roasted beans you can 6) Nice gear 7) Nice grinder
Hey infosec people: do me a favor and assume the "use case" for anyone you don't know personally includes facing poverty, discrimination, state-sponsored oppression, corporate surveillance, domestic abuse and harassment while using your product.
If you share your work, it's okay to want to get paid for it.
Even if it's stuff you give away in other forms or to individuals. Even if it's built on the free work of others. As long as you're not violating a license somewhere, you do nothing wrong by charging to cover your costs working on things, or building things, or maintaining things, or creating things.
We all need to get by. Giving stuff away is great. It's not *required.*
Remember how we thought we knew what Pluto looked like, but we actually didn't because we had been working off artists' renditions and some HST smudges? Then, all of a sudden, we had *amazing* high-quality, true color photos of that gorgeous thing with its eerie lack of color and surprise heart? <3
We didn't even know Ultima Thule existed five years ago. Here's what it looks like as I'm going to bed! Tomorrow we'll actually know for real!
So happy to meet this icy rocky planet-stuff baby. \o/
I guess since we're sitting here chattering about it today and the lines might not be apparent, I should make it crystal clear that any flan sticker/bookmark sales, art print sales, whatever... benefit me, personally. Nothing goes to except my time and love (and lots of emojo donations).
I mean, it's my income, though. :flan_thumbs: Support local artists! :flan_cheer: