person that got arrested during the ID control is released. trial about to happen in november.
Notices by someone in bure (
someone in bure ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2018 02:36:28 EDT someone in bure
someone in bure ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2018 02:34:32 EDT someone in bure
@ndub it was during the construction of it. No one, if I remember correct, got injured
someone in bure ('s status on Monday, 20-Aug-2018 07:22:10 EDT someone in bure
@ndub * the prison in the image was destryed by explosive material.
someone in bure ('s status on Monday, 20-Aug-2018 07:21:16 EDT someone in bure
random history: image of the prison in Weiterstadt 1993destruction without explosion:
expanding concrete: silica reaction: -
ndub ('s status on Monday, 20-Aug-2018 07:09:02 EDT ndub
#zad #haren
Une opération policière de grand matin, ce jour, sur le site de la future prison de Haren. -
AlternatibaToulouse ('s status on Sunday, 19-Aug-2018 05:54:44 EDT AlternatibaToulouse
Vous faites quoi le mercredi 26 septembre ? "Allez viens, on sauve la planète" dès 16h30 à #MixartMyryrs avec #TVBruits à l'occasion du #TourAlternatiba à #Toulouse, pour une soirée de création, d’inspiration et de musique !
#scratch #ateliers #projection
Retrouvez tout le programme #alternatiba en septembre à #Toulouse :
#Alternatives #Transition #FeteDesPossiblesIn conversation from permalink Repeated by someone -
someone in bure ('s status on Monday, 20-Aug-2018 04:19:52 EDT someone in bure
2 days, 2 arrests
activism in #bure and respression we face: conversation from permalink -
someone in bure ('s status on Thursday, 09-Aug-2018 04:35:45 EDT someone in bure
@strypey never tested #severalProject nor had a deeper look into their project discription. Checking now their webpage doesn't give much trust. google embeded, and the blogpost are even done via google blogs.
In conversation from permalink -
someone in bure ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Aug-2018 11:35:41 EDT someone in bure
yesterday activists again enterd the military controled are “Fliegerhorst #Büchel” where atomic bombs are stored in #germany on behalf of US.
In remembrance of #hiroshima
taking civil #directAction against #nuclearweapons.
It is our responsibility to let something like this never happen again.Here some impressions from a past event conversation from permalink -
Anarchism News ('s status on Saturday, 28-Jul-2018 11:34:01 EDT Anarchism News
Earth First: **Ohio: Accident Sends 20,000 Gallons of Drilling Fluid Into Maumee River Tributary**
"People living near the Nexus pipeline project in Wood County are not happy after they were not notified about 20,000 gallons of drilling fluid ending up in waterway connected to the Maumee river."
In conversation from permalink Repeated by someone Attachments
someone in bure ('s status on Saturday, 28-Jul-2018 04:05:13 EDT someone in bure
Dans quelle instance pouvez-vous donner des conseils aux homosexuels et aux transsexuels pour qu'ils se joignent à nous?
In conversation from permalink -
The Final Straw Radio ('s status on Friday, 27-Jul-2018 09:43:23 EDT The Final Straw Radio
R.I.P. Elbert #BigMan Howard: a founding member of the Oakland Black Panther Party, author, radio DJ and tireless campaigner for people's right to dignity and justice in the face of a brutal, white supremacist system. He left the world better than he found it.
#BlackPantherPartyIn conversation from permalink Repeated by someone