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Notices by Christmas Personified as a Catgirl (, page 2
When you're finally given the rules you asked for, good and hard
I saw a car yesterday that had two bumper stickers. One said "What would Buddha do?" and the other said "RESIST"
The deep sea fish, the stoplight loosejaw is also one of the few fishes that produce red bioluminescence. As most of their prey cannot perceive red light, this allows it to hunt with an essentially invisible beam of light.
A giant, morally convenient database corruption has happened and has wiped out almost every account created on Shitposter Club after October 1, 2018. If your account was destroyed and you WERE NOT a Nazi or white supremacist, I am sincerely sorry.
Someone makes an SPC game: mind blown.
The game is actually very good: mind blown again
Hi, this site is all about Ben Shapiro, REAL BEN SHAPIRO. This site is awesome. My name is Robert and I can't stop thinking about Ben Shapiro. This guy is cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.
1. Ben Shapiro is a mammal.
2. Ben Shapiro fights liberals ALL the time.
3. The purpose of Ben Shapiro is to flip out and kill liberals with facts.
Attention all cute girls!! I'm in trouble! I need cute girls! Send me yourself!! Semper fi!
Still no word on SLC/FZP. They confirmed on Monday that the ticket I made had been received.
SPC Notice, CCing @noyoushutthefuckupdad
tube dot seriousposter dot club is down indefinitely due to a network problem upstream of my hoster.
This also affects, which is hosted on the same box.
If it is not resolved before Sunday, I will set up a temporary cytube on one of my other servers.
@loli Were you the one complaining about the miniscule "follow" button as shown?
I tracked down the problem. It's the browser extension U-Block Origin. You can test out on this page:
And turn off adblock and see that the follow button appears, re-enable adblock and it disappears.
Oddly it doesn't show any elements being blocked in its inspector.
I'm also running uBlock Origin Extra, which may be the culprit.
You can feel confident in turning off adblock on Shitposter Club, there are no ads, no trackers, no external site "follow" widgets.
it has been like 12 years and I still don't get the Tumblr user interface
- two minutes to Maximum Overdrive. There's a part where a kid gets run over by a steamroller. !spcmovienight
Here's more scorpion mouth, this time video! #NSFW
this kind of highlights the absurdity of CWs, how is anybody supposed to know what every individual is hyper-sensitive about
guy spent 150 on a mystery box and he got a finger rocket, a cracked android cellphone with no battery, and a car oil filter