"We're so wealthy, we don't give a shit…you can do it on the street…look at California…even though we don't like it, it truly shows you an elitist, very wealthy society, maybe equitable to the Romans…the Weimar Republic had a lot of this going on…" — @adam #noagenda 1150
Notices by No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com), page 2
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Jul-2019 14:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes -
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Jul-2019 10:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes #noagenda 1151
@Johncdvorak: [Banner ads were] an effective product for probably 2-3 years.
@adam: Right, and then it became ineffective…
J: That's because people stopped looking at them. -
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 09-Jul-2019 22:33:03 EDT No Agenda Quotes "We gotta sell big pharma, not this grow it yourself stuff. We can't have people using actual medicine that works, that's no good!" — @adam #noagenda 1150
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 09-Jul-2019 18:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "If I got a representative working for me and he's a state senator or whatever, I want him to be beholden to the public that voted him in. I don't want him to be beholden to some guy Grover Norquist! What are you pledging to this guy for? You're working for me!" — @Johncdvorak #noagenda 1150
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 09-Jul-2019 14:33:03 EDT No Agenda Quotes "It's a lot of these millenials who are non-confrontational. They are largely responsible for this problem. They bitch to each other and they bitch around the dinner table, but they will not confront anyone." — @Johncdvorak #noagenda 1149
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 09-Jul-2019 10:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "We started this show 11 years ago really for ourselves, initially…we kind of morphed into, for ourselves more than anything, to provide mental tools to understand media and really stay healthy." — @adam #noagenda 1151
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 22:33:03 EDT No Agenda Quotes "I wish more companies would start filling potholes because our government, the corrupt government is not gonna do it!" — @Johncdvorak #noagenda 1043
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 18:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes #noagenda 1147
@Johncdvorak: Glitch
@adam: Don't even start with that! Do you know how many people will email me and tweet me when something like that happens?
J: You brought it on yourself! -
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 14:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "Myself, being a life-long Democrat, when I was raised as a Democrat, working class family, upper middle class, I've decided the Democrats are just out to kill me!" — @Johncdvorak #noagenda 1148
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 10:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "Brands want to be inspirational. They want to be a part of a movement, they want to have people who believe in them. Some brands, most actually, don't really have that message anymore, if they ever had it." — @adam #noagenda 1151
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2019 22:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "There's a $100 billion a year and if there's a fuckup with something that does not give the brand a good positive experience or if there's a mismatch, it takes directly away from the budgets. I'm not saying it…the advertising industry [is]." — @adam #noagenda 1151
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2019 18:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "To me, when you say Socialism or Democratic Socialist, you're just here to finish the job! It seems like we're already there. We have all this, just sneaky." — @adam #noagenda 1061
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2019 14:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "If the economy's so bad and people can't put, as she says, food on the table, don't think you think that's a little more important than regulating carbon dioxide?" — @Johncdvorak #noagenda 1151
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2019 10:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "I have a lot of experience with advertisers and sensitivity that they have…Contraversy can be great…when they know the parameters…but if it's an unknown, if they really don't know, even the smallest risk…will be taken as: let's avoid it." — @adam #noagenda 1145
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2019 22:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "I'm gonna be gone in 35 years. Nah, I'm gonna do 40, screw you all, I'm gonna be old and cranky. I can just watch this demise from my rocking chair. You're guys are gonna have to live a lot longer, good luck with it. Not being cynical." — @adam #noagenda 1149
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2019 18:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "I know who you're talking to, you're not talking to Americans, you're talking to illegal immigrants. People who are in America who are Mexican, Spanish, South American, they speak and understand English!" — @adam #noagenda 1150
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2019 14:33:03 EDT No Agenda Quotes "If you see this deplatforming stuff going on, it's all about taking people off recommendations, not being recommended because what they don't really know how to do yet is to truly modify your behavior." — @adam #noagenda 1150
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2019 10:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes #noagenda 1148
@adam: Hey, everybody, if you never heard this show, you're hearing it now. You know what what we're all about.
@Johncdvorak: Lizard people! We don't take it seriously. -
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Friday, 05-Jul-2019 22:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "The media really wants Biden because the media has convinced itself that Biden can beat Trump because of these polls that have come out showing Biden kicking ass. They're ignoring all his creepiness, his creepy Uncle Joe stuff." — @Johncdvorak #noagenda 1148
No Agenda Quotes (noagendaquotes@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Friday, 05-Jul-2019 18:33:02 EDT No Agenda Quotes "The Internet is a network, you can do whatever you want on it. You don't need them. How many people actually voted for someone differently because of Google searches?" — @adam #noagenda 1150