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Notices by parasurv [from] testing] (
Here is my short post about my move to Pleroma from Mastodon(.social):
I used Mastodon for many months with different instances and accounts. Recently I used for 3 months if I remember correctly.
I also registered after a few weeks on, because I was interested. However I didn't use it at all.
Mastodon has some missing features to be a better site, and I simple wasn't engaged in the past few months.
I am on Pleroma for less then a week and it is more colorful, I have more conversations. Mastodon(.social) feels like a gated community. I didn't do anything different on Pleroma. I use hashtags for the same stuff, in fact every stuff.
So I exported my followers list from mastodon, so I can follow them through my new account.
However you can't export people who follows you. You have to manually tell them that you are moving. Or at least I didn't find the option. I don't know if this is technically possible in the fediverse.
As I said I imported the people I follow to my pleroma account. And I started to discover the public timeline and others. For some reason when I write messages people see me more on Pleroma, than on Mastodon.
I like the UI of Pleroma and although it doesn't have the features I am missing from Mastodon (normal text search and quotable boosts), it feels more alive. And it is more alive.
Yesterday I wrote some posts about the new Steam beta Steamplay thing, and I had a couple of replies. I didn't have that on mastodon. I am a nobody in #fediverse, that's why I am happy to have this. I also don't care about numbers, I think meaningful convo is better measurement system than pure numbers.
Mastodon profile settings has a move option, where you can add your new account where you are moving to.
Which I just did. Probably their greatest feature, hahah.
I also like that Pleroma has some nice customization option for the UI, which now we can export and load. If you don't like the defaul UI, you can use the Mastodon UI too. But I think the default one is more clear.
I really don't want to write more, this is more than enough.
#mastodon #pleroma #fediverse #socialnetwork