@karen intact, it is. It is horrifying in lot of cases, like no anesthesia and then if the vagana is too small for the baby, they cut open the vagina to enlarge it to let the baby out. In some occasions, it is needed to decapitate the baby in order to save the mother.
@strypey@tao that is nonsense. This short period in combination of automation tools provided by LE are beneficial for security improvements. One would not be using a vulnerable certificate for more than 3 months.
@carlchenet If I run a single user instance, this is not needed. I can just move my data to another server if I am no longer satisfied with the current provider.
On a personal side, what is it you have with backup accounts? Maybe you should explore projects like #Hubzilla that has a strong emphasis on user account migration.
I noticed that in the last two years or so I started using YouTube too much. I even did a reasearch project wher I got information from YT videos exclusivly. I realised that and I am now rejocing my good and old habits of reading news feed and blog posts.
@devnull cest juste des anti-GNU/GPL. Rien a craindre. Il existe des logiciels que l'on ne peut vraiment pas faire marcher avec musl comme #MariaDB et cie.