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@sathariel @cdmnky
the chad insurrection.jpg
Honestly, the events of the last 48 hours have really driven home that all the FOSS programming socks fluoridated estrogenised people on fedi are completely fucking right:
Windows is garbage.
Big chungus
Useless, miserable, pathetic people trying to get suspended by its domain provider for being ~problematic~ shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
The fact that there's such genuine outrage among many of us about this attempt is just a sign of how plausible the thread actually is. We've all known it for a long time: TLD provision is centralised, under the domain of a handful of authorities who *listen* to appeals like this.
It's the elephant in the room. We can self-host, we can use providers like cockbox who don't give a fuck about what we do, we can obfuscate. But the domain name provision is directly attackable.
I understand the anger going around and the feeling that we need to fight back by any means possible, but doing so by appealing to the same exact authorities with evidence of our opponents' "transgressions" has two problems:
1: Philosophically speaking, are we content to live with the ever-present authoritarian threat that this model represents, even if we can convince it to "rule in our favour" on this one occasion?
2: Let's be real. The powers that be are going to listen to THEM. Not us. Anyone who was there during Gamergate knows that.
I am not a technically inclined man. I won't pretend to understand the wizardry that many of you work with computers and the internet. But even with my limited understanding, I can see that this is just another sign of our inevitable approach to the one true solution: ABANDONMENT OF THE CLEARNET.
You might think ~the dark web~ is only for criminals, druggies, and paedophiles, but as many wise people have pointed out by now: USING ENCRYPTION AND OBFUSCATION AS A NORMAL PERSON, DISCUSSING NORMAL THINGS, HELPS PROTECT THOSE WHO ACTUALLY NEED TO USE IT, BECAUSE THE AUTHORITIES CANNOT DETERMINE WHICH ENCRYPTED TRAFFIC IS WORTH THEIR TIME, AND ENCRYPTION USAGE IS NO LONGER THE HALLMARK OF A CRIMINAL. This means activists. This means rebels. This means insurgents. Yes, this means terrorists. Yes, this means paedos. Fucking deal with it. Ultimately, we have to make a choice: Where do we stand? With the power of the individual to communicate, spread ideas, and share data without restriction? Or with the power of ultimate authority to clamp down, inhibit, censor, criminalise and detain at will?
I know where I'll stand when the time comes. Even if I have to learn a new skillset to do so.
The second method of fighting back against this kind of disgusting, toadying behaviour is to focus on the thing that we should have been focusing on all along: CHANGING CULTURE.
For those who were ACTUALLY THERE on our side during Gamergate (again, it really was a test case for this kind of thing), and who ACTUALLY HAD THEIR EYES OPEN, they saw how quickly the impetus to "win the culture war" for the side of FREE EXPRESSION and UNINHIBITED FUN quickly became, under the guidance of infiltrators and instigators like Milo Yiannopolous, the impetus to "win the culture war" for le ebin right wing xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Don't get fucking distracted. You know deep down that you don't really stand for ~nationalism~ or for ~muh markets~ or whatever.
You know why you're here. You're here because you love being able to say and do whatever you want. You're here because you don't want to be controlled. You're here because you reject the authority of the many over the ultimate sovereignity of the individual.
So start fucking acting like it. "Be the change you want to see in the world." Accept the viewpoints of others, just as you wish to be accepted. Don't snitch. Don't rat. Don't use the police and other shitty institutions against your enemies. Don't strive to control others. Strive only to liberate them, and to be liberated yourself.
I very often see people on "my side" (in this sense) posting that image of Theoden from LOTR laughing and saying "You have no power here." There's an ultimate irony to that, because in that scene, Theoden is brainwashed and speaking down to Gandalf, someone who VERY DEFINITELY DOES have power there and goes on to demonstrate it mere seconds later. But that aside, if you want to REALLY disempower your enemy? If you want to build a world where shitty accusations like "You're a Nazi!" "You're a pedophile!" "You're a white supremacist!" "You're anti-semitic!" "You're problematic!" etc. won't wash? Won't get you fired? Won't get you hounded and arrested? Then take their power away by NORMALISING A WORLD OF FREE EXPRESSION.
A little at a time. Don't become a martyr in the name of freedom. But push the boundaries. Encourage others to think in liberated and uninhibited ways. STOP persecuting people for dumb shit like their sexual orientation or identity choices, STOP using the tactics of our enemies (attacking livelihood etc) to silence your opponents. Normalise uninhibited thinking.
That's the only way you'll ever save this world.
Seriously, I am jumping up and down and throwing my shit in handfuls at the fucking television in some impotent primal effort to get the thing to work. I have been sitting here trying to enjoy your product – YOUR PRODUCT, YOUR GAME, YOUR CONTRACT BETWEEN DEVELOPER AND CONSUMER THAT THE CONSUMER WILL ENJOY YOUR PRODUCT – but instead the damn thing’s been crawling out of the console and taking warm shits in my gaping mouth. Swear to god, you should have just added a little door to the console through which a hand pops out and flips me off, because I am insulted that your QA or testers or whatever brainless shitstove three genes short of a monkey FAGNUT signs your games through thought that a person with more than a single fucking digit IQ could enjoy Story Mode Chapter 7. INSULTED.
WORK WITH ME HERE: The goal’s simple enough! Come in first! Hey, that’s fine, it’s just like playing the grand fucking prix; not a problem! Only deal is your cross-eyed team of tongue-slapping wunderkind decided to give the game every single fucking advantage possible TO THE GAME rather than me.
How in the fuck does Black Shadow – whose car is the heaviest and lamest piece of shit next to the Crazy Bear – suddenly become SO FUCKING GOOD that he can stay in first without using a drop of boost? Huh!? Why!? You never see this shithead anywhere near the top fucking 20 in a normal race. BUT HO HO HO THIS TIME HE’S MEGA-COCK, THE FASTEST FAGGOT IN THE WORLD. 1.21 GIGAWATTS MARTY, LET’S GO BACK TO THE FUCKING FUTURE.
But it’s not just Black Shadow with the magical powers, it’s the entire fucking lineup of racers! THEY’RE ALL FASTER THAN YOU. AND DON’T REQUIRE ANY BOOST.
But but but I of course, am still driving some piece of shit hamster-powered jalopy who guzzles it’s entire energy bar in no less than four fucking boosts! Add to this the entire course just got shitted on by some retarded space tiki volacano god and you’ve got a course full of hazards that’ll drain at least 1/4 of your energy bar JUST BECAUSE IT CAN. WHOOPIE.
HURRR, you say. THAT’S JUST THE CHALLENGE. IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY. Well fuck that noise, you lopsided frankenfaced fuckfurter.
Tell me, please, why does the GAME have to win? Huh? What happens when the game wins and I lose? Is there some huge fucking kegger waiting for it when it gets done? Is there money involved? Or perhaps the motives are more sinister. Maybe the game’s family is being held hostage by another game and that game has it’s cock in F-Zero’s wife’s mouth and he’s holding a cell phone up to her and F-Zero can hear her pained moans and cries for help and the asshole game then says, “You beat that cock-sucking human, or I’ll blow her brains out.” I COULD UNDERSTAND THAT. I CAN BE SYMPATHETIC.
It’s not any fun if I can’t win, you faggots. I want to move on. I want to unlock whatever piece of shit clown car you have hidden away from me so I can start racing and get pissed off with that too. When your game prevents me from fully enjoying the product I have bought you have failed in your fucking mission to deliver a game. You lose! You break the contract! You contract the gay and fucking DIE DIE DIE.
@sim A fantastic question with an ultimately unknowable answer. We can piece a few things together, though.
Firstly there's the fact that literally every culture on earth that didn't grow up in the Gay Baby Desert seems to have taken an "equal worth, but different" approach to the sexes. Myth is the mirror of a culture, and from the (often exactly) equal sex balance in pretty much every polytheistic pantheon, we can see what the archetypal feminine roles of those cultures were and how highly they were prized.
Secondly, even post-Abrahamisation, annals and folklore often survive - albeit in a murky way, since sadly, writing isn't often in a good state in ancient societies. But even when we examine oral folklore, much of which is post Christian, from our own islands, much of it speaks to a healthier attitude towards femininity that was preserved in the true forge of ANY culture - the bottom of society.
A cursory examination of British myth and legend (some of which is "Christian" in that folk pagan Catholic way!) reveals:
* Femininity as guardianship of nature (mermaids of rivers, various fae) and kingmakers (the Lady of the Lake)
* Women as prophets and instruments of the divine (Julian of Norwich, Joan of Arc - she's in our folklore! That was our war!)
* Women as free spirits who cannot be chained (loads more fae, particularly in "the good wife of Orkney", which I taught to @rye )
* Women as bringers of blessing, often also as wives (fae are so versatile! Faerie children are often gifts from fae wives to human husbands, but the most famous blessing is probably the Faerie Flag of clan MacLeod)
* Women as Cunning Folk (to the point that modern people erroneously assume historical witchcraft to have been primarily the domain of women)
And yes, even the dreaded... *thunder clap*
* Women as damsels in distress! The HORROR! imagine being indisposed and having to rely on a fellow human being - how humiliating! But seriously, such figures (like Maid Marian) in English folklore serve the same purpose that Helen of Troy does in Greek - to show women as desirable, sacred, worthy of risks and heroism.
Embarass tomboys. #nsfw
@sim Hmm, well, lately I've been on the 400iq path of prioritising the imagined past over actual history, which is what led me to revisit and explore Tolkien - because that's what his writings are. I think that's because I consider actual history to unfortunately be polluted by some really shitty ideas even as far back as virtually the invention of writing, so it's an easy way to bypass them.
This is much harder for a woman than it is for a man, probably, because the sad fact of the matter is that little writing from ancient women survives at all - people talk about, for example, Sappho, but we have what? One poem and a few fragments from her? It's really tragic because she had a giant output, from what we can tell.
Even though its more recent and deals more with reality than fantasy, have you ever read any of the Bronte sisters' writing? That might be an excellent starting point. People come up with all kinds of brainlet ideas about their work, from the ludicrous idea that it was somehow early feminism to the absurd - and inevitable - accusations of "internalised mysogyny" from idiot gender theorists.
But all of that is nonsense! I'm only familiar with a handful of their works - Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Professor - and none of them from Anne Bronte - but the ones I read had incredible female characters who showcased all different kinds of feminine strength and will, often incompatible with both idiotic "muh Christian tradition" ideas of feminine roles and limited "why didn't daddy love me, I want to be a man" feminist ideas of what "strong women" are.
The Professor and Jane Eyre are by Charlotte Bronte, and I think their protagonists most display the virtues of endurance, self-belief and self-definition. (Even though snivelling feminist critics are hard on Jane because of her relationship with Rochester, which I think is often misunderstood.)
Cathy in Wuthering Heights (by Emily Bronte) on the other hand is more of a primeval spirit of passion, love, longing and intensity, and her story is far more tragic. The only problem is that it's not directly observed - it's told by people who saw it happen many years ago, and the effects it had on her lover.
To answer your other question, about things I peize or value in a woman.... Hm. I'd say first and foremost would be honesty and openness. I don't mean that in the sense of showing or telling me everything she does - although good relationships have few if any secrets! - but in the sense of being able to be honest with herself an open with her emotions. Able to feel, express, act on her intuition ("women's intuition" is a phrase for a reason) and articulate her positions, desires and reactions without shame. I think this expressive ability is important for men also, and I reject wholly the notion of the "stoic man", but I put this first and foremost because while endurance and indulgence are often good feminine virtues, a cowed and submissive woman is nothing but a slave, and that's bad for both sides. People should be doing the things they are because they *want* to be doing them.
Second, I'd say, would be her ability to heal, nurture, foster, encourage, keep things together and grow. On a surface level, these are the qualities of a good homemaker for sure - but they're also some of the qualities of a good leader, and when combined with more masculine leadership qualities (such as decisiveness, rapid action, or even wrath) in a complimentary duet, I think they create the most responsible leadership of all.
Thirdly, a spritely sense of impulsiveness, a spark of unpredictability. I think this is a strength that comes much more easily to women than men! Left to their own devices, men will often decide on a course of action and pursue it to the exclusion of all else, with a ruthless intensity and focus that brooks no diversion. A woman on the other hand, I think, is generally more capable of noticing - and actualising - the pleasant distractions, diversions and indulgences that keep us all sane. More pragmatically, she is also more capable, I think, of admitting when a course of action isn't working out so well - and proposing alternatives that avert disaster and save the day.
Does any of this help?