Anyway, to point out some of the #plan9 philosophy here, and perhaps see its subversion in context: Here we see K&R, Lorinda Cherry, et al, talking about the principles of simplicity, community and composability at the heart of UNIX™
at the EFF party today, John Gilmore mentioned this “flip over the UI to see the code” idea was in HyperLook, the app builder tool for NeWS, the GUI that lost out to XWindows:
I have met and chatted with pretty much the most extreme people you know within the online political discourse, and they've all been pretty okay and reasonable in real life. This either means there are strong incentives to appear reasonable in the offline world, or strong incentives to appear unreasonable online. I suspect it's a mix of both.
it's been weird in this whole W3C battle, that so many of the behind-the-scenes arguments in favor of EME that have been made to me have been how outdated copyright is, and how DRM needs to be improved, and so many of my behind-the-scenes counter-arguments are about the law threatening perfectly reasonable actions, and innocent people going to jail.