Do you, in your account preferences allow for your toots to be indexed by search engines.
[ ] yes [ ] no [ ] I didn't know I had choicNotices by dublinux (
dublinux ('s status on Monday, 27-Jan-2020 17:07:36 EST dublinux -
dublinux ('s status on Monday, 25-Feb-2019 15:40:22 EST dublinux Not sure if most Mastodon :mastodon: website users know this but you can create custom columns in Mastodon with just a selection of the people you follow. The feature is called Lists. To access click on the three horizontal bars with tooltip text 'Getting Started'. Then click on Lists and add just the people you want. You can create multiple lists if needed. I know some people read the manual but others don't. You can also see all your favourited items in one place
#Lists #Mastodon #GettingStarted #Group