#walmart sells ModCloth just two years after buying it #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20899540/walmart-sells-modcloth-acquisition-compete-amazon
Notices by Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr), page 12
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 22:02:24 EDT Gregori Fabre
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 21:15:40 EDT Gregori Fabre
#google has suspended its controversial ‘field research’ that allegedly scanned homeless people #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20899612/google-suspend-pixel-4-facial-scan-atlanta-randstad
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 20:51:30 EDT Gregori Fabre
PayPal has backed out of Facebook’s digital currency project #mit https://www.technologyreview.com/f/614483/paypal-has-backed-out-of-facebooks-digital-currency-project/
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 19:37:36 EDT Gregori Fabre
Don’t use THC vapes, FDA says, as lung injury death toll increases #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20899501/fda-vaping-lung-injury-deaths-advisory-thc-marijuana-juul #juul
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 19:13:34 EDT Gregori Fabre
Nouveau programme de réparation pour certains iPhone #6s et #6s Plus qui ne s'allument plus #macg https://www.igen.fr/iphone/2019/10/nouveau-programme-de-reparation-pour-certains-iphone-6s-et-6s-plus-qui-ne-sallument
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 18:37:57 EDT Gregori Fabre
#bose discontinues Sleepbuds due to faulty battery, will offer full refund to all customers #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20899371/bose-sleepbuds-faulty-battery-issues-problem-refunds-price
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 18:31:18 EDT Gregori Fabre
#apple now has a free repair program if your iPhone 6S won’t turn on #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20899514/apple-iphone-6s-plus-power-turn-on-repair-fix-defective-component-free
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 18:07:15 EDT Gregori Fabre
#jony Ive absorbé par l'immensité de l'Apple Park #macg https://www.macg.co/galerie/2019/10/jony-ive-absorbe-par-limmensite-de-lapple-park-108807 #apple
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 17:41:52 EDT Gregori Fabre
Signal Messenger Bug Lets Callers Auto-Connect Calls Without Receivers' Interaction #hackers http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~3/tyztx6TWMkE/signal-messenger-bug.html
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 17:13:56 EDT Gregori Fabre
#google finally gives Reader the respect it deserves with an actual gravestone #theverge https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2019/10/4/20899198/google-reader-gravestone-crypt-rip-picasa-buzz-wave-orkut
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 16:49:50 EDT Gregori Fabre
Un retour #haptique astucieux lors du déverrouillage Face ID #macg https://www.igen.fr/ios/2019/10/un-retour-haptique-astucieux-lors-du-deverrouillage-face-id-110407
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 15:33:31 EDT Gregori Fabre
Watch Anduril’s #anvil take down an off-the-shelf drone in midflight #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20898931/anduril-anvil-drone-footage-palmer-luckey-quadcopter
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 15:26:55 EDT Gregori Fabre
#tesla is being investigated for a software update meant to limit fire risk #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20898741/tesla-cars-nhtsa-software-ota-safety-update-battery-fires-range
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 15:20:17 EDT Gregori Fabre
The four big US carriers want to help you get rid of passwords, but you’ll have to wait #theverge https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/4/20898926/zenkey-att-tmobile-verizon-sprint-carriers-single-sign-on-password-project-verify #zenkey
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 14:56:24 EDT Gregori Fabre
Mais où est passée l'app Prime #video d'Amazon ? #macg https://www.igen.fr/app-store/2019/10/mais-ou-est-passee-lapp-prime-video-damazon-110403 #amazon
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 14:42:49 EDT Gregori Fabre
Microsoft says Iranian hackers tried to breach a US presidential campaign #mit https://www.technologyreview.com/f/614480/microsoft-says-iranian-hackers-tried-to-breach-a-us-presidential-campaign/
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 14:34:05 EDT Gregori Fabre
This is how you kick facial recognition out of your town #mit https://www.technologyreview.com/s/614477/facial-recognition-law-enforcement-surveillance-private-industry-regulation-ban-backlash/
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 14:17:29 EDT Gregori Fabre
Tuto Bitfinex : Comment ouvrir des longs et des shorts #journalducoin https://journalducoin.com/videos/bitfinex-longs-shorts/
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 14:00:15 EDT Gregori Fabre
Here’s How to Type Faster on Your Phone #nyt https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/04/technology/phone-typing.html #typing
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 13:53:28 EDT Gregori Fabre
IA, base de données, génétique et données de santé : ce que dit le projet de loi #bioéthique #numerama https://www.numerama.com/sciences/551491-ia-base-de-donnees-genetique-et-donnees-de-sante-ce-que-dit-le-projet-de-loi-bioethique.html
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