#fitbit envisage sa mise en vente. Alphabet intéressé ? #zdnet https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/fitbit-envisage-sa-mise-en-vente-alphabet-interesse-39890953.htm
Notices by Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr), page 15
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 02:13:17 EDT Gregori Fabre
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 02:06:36 EDT Gregori Fabre
Facebook prépare l’introduction de sa #cryptomonnaie Libra avec l’acquisition de Servicefriend #zdnet https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/facebook-prepare-l-introduction-de-sa-cryptomonnaie-libra-avec-l-acquisition-de-servicefriend-39890955.htm
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 02:00:03 EDT Gregori Fabre
#fintech : Londres attire plus d’investissements que New-York #zdnet https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/fintech-londres-attire-plus-d-investissements-que-new-york-39890957.htm
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 01:48:57 EDT Gregori Fabre
Authentification forte : le D-Day est reporté #udigital https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/authentification-forte-le-d-day-est-reporte.N886624 #france
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 01:44:29 EDT Gregori Fabre
Pour Microsoft, la reconnaissance #faciale manque cruellement d'encadrement #udigital https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/pour-microsoft-la-reconnaissance-faciale-manque-cruellement-d-encadrement.N886574
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 01:26:40 EDT Gregori Fabre
#stacy Brown-Philpot (CEO de Taskrabbit) : "Nous lançons notre plateforme en France" #jdn https://www.journaldunet.com/ebusiness/commerce/1445582-stacy-brown-philpot-ceo-de-taskrabbit/ #ikea
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 01:20:07 EDT Gregori Fabre
#wizaplace lève 13 millions d'euros pour exporter sa solution de marketplace #jdn https://www.journaldunet.com/ebusiness/commerce/1445602-wizaplace-leve-13-millions-d-euros-pour-diffuser-sa-solution-de-marketplace-a-l-international/
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 01:10:38 EDT Gregori Fabre
2039 : le sexe sans le corps devient possible, utopie ou #dystopie ? #usbeketrica https://usbeketrica.com/article/2039-le-sexe-sans-le-corps-devient-possible-utopie-ou-dystopie
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 00:14:12 EDT Gregori Fabre
One Brother Stabbed the Other. The Journalist Who Wrote About It Paid a Price. #nyt https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/23/technology/right-to-be-forgotten-law-europe.html #mr
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 17:01:23 EDT Gregori Fabre
Faster super-resolution #microscope can see virus particles moving through a cell #digitaltrends https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/faster-super-resoution-microscope/
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 15:34:37 EDT Gregori Fabre
Smartphone #battery capacity could be increased using nanochain material #digitaltrends https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/nanochain-battery-capacity/
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 15:27:59 EDT Gregori Fabre
Researchers develop flexible brain-machine interface for controlling wheelchairs #digitaltrends https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/flexible-bmi-eeg-wheelchairs/ #system
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 15:09:25 EDT Gregori Fabre
China’s Big Brother Targets Business #nyt https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/22/business/china-social-credit-business.html #social
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 14:22:42 EDT Gregori Fabre
Some on WeWork’s Board Are Said to Be Discussing Replacing Its C.E.O. #nyt https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/22/business/dealbook/wework-ceo.html #company
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 13:15:22 EDT Gregori Fabre
@X @DA70D6 j’ai pas de raison de douter d’eux, donc oui, ils paraissent très bien !
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 13:09:44 EDT Gregori Fabre
Two new images show Mars’ icy poles and pockmarked surface #digitaltrends https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/mars-esa-images-poles/ #mars
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 12:22:51 EDT Gregori Fabre
Quelle est votre stratégie pour #ios 13 ? #macg https://www.igen.fr/sondage/2019/09/quelle-est-votre-strategie-pour-ios-13-110121
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 12:09:38 EDT Gregori Fabre
Model based on fusion energy research explains why sunspots peak every 11 years #digitaltrends https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/sunspots-fusion-model/
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 10:31:08 EDT Gregori Fabre
Il y a-t-il des vaches sur Mars ? Ou pourquoi le mystère du #méthane passionne les astronomes #numerama https://www.numerama.com/tech/549802-il-y-a-t-il-des-vaches-sur-mars-ou-pourquoi-le-mystere-du-methane-passionne-les-astronomes.html
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 08:35:42 EDT Gregori Fabre
Quand le déballage d’un #iphone 11 vire au fiasco #macg https://www.igen.fr/iphone/2019/09/quand-le-deballage-dun-iphone-11-vire-au-fiasco-110119
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