Les recettes du chatbot qui soulage les équipes finance chez #orange Espagne #revuedudigital https://www.larevuedudigital.com/les-recettes-du-chatbot-qui-soulage-les-equipes-finance-chez-orange-espagne/
Notices by Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr), page 8
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 17:00:57 EDT Gregori Fabre
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 16:56:10 EDT Gregori Fabre
7-Year-Old Critical RCE Flaw Found in Popular iTerm2 macOS Terminal App #hackers http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~3/m8ppnO200X0/iterm2-macos-terminal-rce.html
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 16:28:07 EDT Gregori Fabre
#etalab donne de la visibilité aux codes sources du secteur public #silicon https://www.silicon.fr/etalab-codes-sources-secteur-public-263325.html
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 16:21:30 EDT Gregori Fabre
Assises de la sécurité 2019 : l’ANSSI veut dédramatiser la #cybersécurité #silicon https://www.silicon.fr/assises-de-la-securite-2019-lanssi-veut-dedramatiser-la-cybersecurite-263327.html #poupard
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 16:12:17 EDT Gregori Fabre
Le « sandwich du capitalisme » : la recette d’Imagination Machine pour la Tech4Good #maddyness https://www.maddyness.com/2019/10/09/sandwich-capitalisme-imagination-machine-tech4good/
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 15:52:01 EDT Gregori Fabre
Rocket ride-shares could make going to space like catching a bus #mit https://www.technologyreview.com/s/614519/rocket-ride-shares-could-make-going-to-space-like-catching-a-bus/
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 15:39:02 EDT Gregori Fabre
Hong Kong protesters get pro bono cybersecurity help from Silicon Valley #mit https://www.technologyreview.com/f/614520/hong-kong-protesters-get-pro-bono-cybersecurity-help-from-silicon-valley/
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 15:25:06 EDT Gregori Fabre
#boys & Girls Clubs help teens build new digital skills #google https://www.blog.google/outreach-initiatives/grow-with-google/boys-girls-clubs-digital-skills/
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 15:14:12 EDT Gregori Fabre
ExploreCSR grants get more women into computer science #research #google https://www.blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/twentyfour-grants-support-computing-research-undergraduate-women/
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 14:56:54 EDT Gregori Fabre
Comment survivre à une extinction de masse ? #usbeketrica https://usbeketrica.com/article/comment-survivre-a-une-extinction-de-masse-1 #extinctions
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 14:44:41 EDT Gregori Fabre
Comment faire disparaître vos bitcoins avec Smartmixer #journalducoin https://journalducoin.com/bitcoin/comment-faire-disparaitre-vos-bitcoins-smartmixer/
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 14:23:12 EDT Gregori Fabre
When Social Media Becomes a Wartime Necessity #nyt https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/09/technology/personaltech/social-media-war.html #whatsapp
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 14:16:28 EDT Gregori Fabre
How to Get the Most Out of Your Digital #wallet #nyt https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/09/technology/personaltech/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-digital-wallet.html
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 14:09:05 EDT Gregori Fabre
Mieux comprendre les 15-25 ans en associant Messenger de Facebook et l’affichage extérieur digital #revuedudigital https://www.larevuedudigital.com/mieux-comprendre-les-15-25-ans-en-associant-messenger-de-facebook-et-laffichage-exterieur-digital/ #jam
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 14:02:29 EDT Gregori Fabre
La taxation des géants d’internet relancée par l’OCDE à l’échelle mondiale #revuedudigital https://www.larevuedudigital.com/la-taxation-des-geants-dinternet-harmonisee-a-lechelle-mondiale-relancee-par-locde/ #ocde
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 13:55:26 EDT Gregori Fabre
Breaches are now commonplace, but Reason Cybersecurity lets users guard their privacy #hackers http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~3/30rBX1P1O9o/reason-antivirus-protection.html
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 13:27:02 EDT Gregori Fabre
#azure Data Box Edge : Microsoft propose une option portable et robuste #zdnet https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/azure-data-box-edge-microsoft-propose-une-option-portable-et-robuste-39891949.htm
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 13:20:23 EDT Gregori Fabre
L’intérêt de la convergence fixe - mobile #zdnet https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/l-interet-de-la-convergence-fixe-mobile-39891263.htm #dâ€
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 13:08:45 EDT Gregori Fabre
La région #ile-de-france va réunir tous les moyens de transport en une application unique #udigital https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/la-region-ile-de-france-va-reunir-tous-les-moyens-de-transport-en-une-application.N892864
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Gregori Fabre (fabregregori@mamot.fr)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 13:04:16 EDT Gregori Fabre
Un jumeau numérique et une nouvelle plate-forme de services pour la région #ile-de-france #udigital https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/un-jumeau-numerique-et-une-nouvelle-plate-forme-de-services-pour-la-region-ile-de-france.N892839
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