Don't be. You're doing valuable work and there's no need to let people stress you out for free. I set an expectation that commercial users pay me on my project's web sites now.
I might help non-paying users, because they found interesting bugs, or there's money left over from paying users, or because I'm feeling nice, but I don't have to—my time is valuable, and I don't owe random consumers of my work anything.
We're seeking visually impaired or blind people with coding experience who want to help ensure solid screen reader behavior in a new iteration of the CodeMirror in-browser code editor. Accessibility in the previous iteration is terrible, and I want to do better this time around.
If you're prepared to answer questions about coding while blind, or to test-drive the current prototype of the editor, please get in touch here or via
If you started writing on because 'why not' and 'it's a slick process', consider the fact that the company has started pestering readers to sign up with pop-overs.
VC funded companies are not public works. Their investors will want that $134 million back.