Here to ruin your fun for the night ama. I see the trend for today is hating on furries and kin people. Strange these groups are always attacked when they seem to be 90% of the userbase. I'm cool with you guys / gals / unspecified people human or otherwise.
Notices by Kristopher (, page 8
Kristopher ('s status on Saturday, 08-Dec-2018 03:18:39 EST Kristopher -
Kristopher ('s status on Saturday, 08-Dec-2018 03:17:14 EST Kristopher @vexacia
>one person was mean to me so no one who has the same interests is allowed online anymore:blobfacepalm:
Kristopher ('s status on Friday, 07-Dec-2018 19:42:45 EST Kristopher I want to go back to France. I think the happening is coming 😱
Kristopher ('s status on Friday, 07-Dec-2018 19:40:05 EST Kristopher @ernmander very nice. I've never seen or heard a wild owl before :blobastonished:
Kristopher ('s status on Friday, 07-Dec-2018 18:59:09 EST Kristopher @qwazix sudo rm -rf /etc/update-motd.d/*
Kristopher ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Dec-2018 19:47:50 EST Kristopher @Ferretsyndicate pepe isn't racist. Please go away, I'm not new here.
Kristopher ('s status on Monday, 12-Nov-2018 03:26:11 EST Kristopher Mfw reddit organizes the general strike that saves us
#earthstrike -
Kristopher ('s status on Thursday, 08-Nov-2018 12:24:46 EST Kristopher Lol Ginny is still here really
Kristopher ('s status on Wednesday, 07-Nov-2018 20:42:11 EST Kristopher Official pepe is not problematic thread post ur fave pepes. Not sure if the penguin counts.
Kristopher ('s status on Wednesday, 07-Nov-2018 20:40:42 EST Kristopher @citrustwee thank you for standing up for me and my frens
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 22:17:35 EST Kristopher @goodleftyfundies only if you call him Nate bronze or copper
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 21:37:03 EST Kristopher @Alamantus awesome I can buy it sooner
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 21:18:09 EST Kristopher @kel mastodon turn out was 100% :^)
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 21:09:15 EST Kristopher Good job voting guys. LOL from Canada. Good luck.
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 17:26:52 EST Kristopher Pop quiz which one is the singer / vocalist
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 16:51:34 EST Kristopher @kel oof. Just write an open source driver with a visual basic gui
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 16:50:07 EST Kristopher *discourses your praxis* heh, nothing personnel kid
peemo ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 13:34:07 EST peemo Here's How Bernie Can Still Win
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 16:48:44 EST Kristopher @kel DUDE!!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT THATS SO COOL!! EVERYONE @kel ***HACKED**** THEIR IPOD!!!
(my mp3 player didn't support rockbox last I checked ;-;)
Kristopher ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 16:45:02 EST Kristopher @garfiald did you lift weights at 5 am