I want to thank people here on LR instance. Earlier today I was a bit frustrated on the amount of complaints we get from other instances because we refuse to take a political stands and refuse to ban users who may post or reply with a political comment that is different from their views. We have never censored anyone from their political view. We are a linux instance and value open and free and value differences. Your responses have shown me we are doing things right.
As most of you know the Linuxrocks UPS a Tripp Lite blew up in a spectacular fashion. I seriously hate asking for funding but the new server taxed my slush fund out. LR needs a new UPS fund links
Just a reminder Linuxrocks will be down this weekend as we migrate to new hardware and a new data center. I don't have specific times but I will try to keep it up as much as possible
I keep getting this Ad on FB titled No Piracy it says to call and report a business using unlicensed software. I got a half of a mind to write in and tell them my buisness keeps downloading and using this software called Linux without paying for it. What do I get for reporting it? lol