November 1st marks the anniversary of the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist CNT.
The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (National Confederation of Work) was born on November 1st of 1910 after a regional anarchist union from Catalunya decided to form a national group that would face the, then Marxist socialist, UGT.
After 107 years, the CNT is still going and active for the rights of all workers.
no loyality to the bosses. no loyality to the institutions.
They exploit, and will answer with penality anytime you follow your own morality instead of their oders.
A great example of this is the witch hunt within the #twitter company against the employee deactivating #trump twitter account. There are plenty of reasons why this should have already happend. Still twitter will answer with penality, against something just so obvious to everyone: calling for war shouldn't get a plattform.
friendly reminder/question: can we use use #hashtags more often? :) It's a great way to discover new accounts based on once interest and also a great way to follow up discussion/news about a specific theme. #fediverse
friendly reminder/question: can we use use #hashtags more often? :) It's a great way to discover new accounts based on once interest and also a great way to follow up discussion/news about a specific theme. #fediverse
To agrue that "#catalonia" has the right for self-determination under the consitutional law of #Spain" is like sayn, all women have the right to divorce their husbands but only if their husbands agree.
The catalan goverment is to some part already arested. More arests are orderd, charged with sedition and rebellion. (up to 30 years prision)
And that's all for organizing a referendum.
Through #Art155 taking spanish goverment is tryn to take control.
“....a duty for any government to uphold the rule of law, and this sometimes does require the proportionate use of force. We understand that people wanted to express their views. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right for all European citizens, and thus for all Spanish citizens. But one opinion is not more valuable than another opinion, only because it is expressed more loudly #catalonia
Just to remind the reason why spanish prosecutors filling out trials against sedition and rebellion by leaders behind the indipendence movment in #catalonia.
It happend on #1Oct. People wanted to vote for indipendent #catalonia. But that's illegal under spanish institution. And as Junker said, sometimes it needs the use of force to protect the insitutions.
I'm happy for all ignorant activists, journalists and students who lost access to their #googledocs. That's the only way ignorant people realize an issue. They need to be directly effected by themself so that they start to rethink behavior. So thx #google for making that move :)
looking for something better then googledocs? Just a pen and a paper is already better!