Disappointing how much center-left media discourse of big tech focuses on antitrust / "break them up" fantasies and how little is about promoting alternatives like co-operative ownership and open source. Neoliberal "thought leaders" cannot seem to conceive of approaches other than "greed is good but let's add a layer of government regulation".
Notices by Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop), page 2
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Thursday, 15-Feb-2018 15:01:10 EST Erik Moeller
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Sunday, 28-Jan-2018 17:38:15 EST Erik Moeller
freeyourstuff.cc, mostly a browser extension, now also has a command line downloader for your contributions to proprietary sites, using #puppeteer. It's still a bit experimental, but you can check it out here:
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Saturday, 27-Jan-2018 17:47:04 EST Erik Moeller
One of my favorite things about ES2015 is destructuring + object literals + argument default values.
It makes passing data around a lot easier -> shorter functions -> more maintainable/readable code. E.g.:
getPixels = ({ width = 1280, height = 1024 } = {}) => width * height;
I can call it like so:
getPixels(); // returns 1280*1024
or like so:
const width = 1024, height = 768;
getPixels({ width, height });or of course:
getPixels({ width: 1024, height: 768 });
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Tuesday, 23-Jan-2018 03:57:13 EST Erik Moeller
Experimenting with #puppeteer to script headless Chromium. Still feels a bit hackish, but I am able to execute my freeyourstuff.cc plugin code (for content liberation from proprietary platforms), which should be nice for automated testing + potentially command-line tools for content export.
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2018 20:49:31 EST Erik Moeller
Random discovery: Seedship. Brilliant free indie game made with #twine. Play an AI that picks the planet for a human colony. Lots of random events & meaningful choices, but each play takes only about 5 mins. Replay value about 15-30 plays.
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Thursday, 11-Jan-2018 01:15:27 EST Erik Moeller
A nice, meandering walk through some mostly tiny indie games that came out over the last decade.
Among them, I discovered a fun little post-capitalism game -- content obviously very debatable, but an interesting way to talk about the topic:
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Friday, 05-Jan-2018 20:43:52 EST Erik Moeller
Fellow Portland OR folks, please note that there's a rally happening on 1/14 to push for municipal broadband in PDX. A municipal solution can help us protect net neutrality and put users first.
If this is an approach you support, the event details are over on FB (no account required to view): https://www.facebook.com/events/1775718709399941/
I'll be there :)
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Monday, 01-Jan-2018 11:40:57 EST Erik Moeller
Happy new year, and happy public domain day! :) Here's background on some of the works that enter the public domain as of today in Canada and the EU - and how decades worth of public domain works were stolen from the public by the United States Congress:
(Unlike the authors, I oppose copyright and patents on principle, but retroactive copyright term extension is particularly illustrative of the damaging effects of intellectual monopoly rights.)
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Dec-2017 18:55:42 EST Erik Moeller
Cool new book project about rainwater harvesting techniques, proceeds support Appropedia (which is a community wiki that documents various design patters for sustainable living):
No personal affiliation, but I did an extensive interview with the author last year, because Appropedia is really neat:
Erik Moeller (eloquence@social.coop)'s status on Thursday, 14-Sep-2017 03:44:09 EDT Erik Moeller
Every day I check my feed here, I read from people doing things to help us move beyond shitty broken planet-destroying capitalism. It is nice and refreshing and motivating. Thank you all for being here, and doing what you do :)