There needs to be pressure on government to regulate advertising in relation to new climate policy that will be emerging. Car commercials, for example, should not be allowed on TV, billboards or anywhere else if the focus is not at least on electric vehicles. Combustion engines should not be pushed at consumers anymore as market choices. They should be treated like cigarettes, hard liqueur, and guns. People will still find them, but at least it’s not blatantly promoted by the state in the home.
That crossed my line of vision while looking at protein concentrations of beans and grains in general.
We're making our own protein powders for post-workout recoveries, and plan to try some bean and grain combinations. I'm finding these particular references convenient and informative...
A reported 100,000 people protested in Berlin yesterday. If you’re going to do it, that’s the scale that matters. At that scale, even the happy pacifists can make an impression.
But if you’re just a little warband of 15 people, you better be burning cars for it to get attention. Otherwise, just go plant some trees.
In fact, why isn’t there monthly tree-planting marches. Tear up cement and plant trees where they’re not supposed to be. That’s demonstrating.
"A wise man ... proportions his belief to the evidence ... That no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous, than the fact, which it endeavours to establish; and even in that case there is a mutual destruction of arguments, and the superior only gives us an assurance suitable to that degree of force, which remains, after deducting the inferior." – David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 1748
According to most websites I see, ‘responsive’ design does not mean optimal/usable design. Linearizing the layout is only one step.
If the logo takes up ¾ of the screen on every page and the eventual text is some narrow typeface in light gray that’s no more discernable than a pencil smudge, among other problems, well...
That’s why browsers supply a Reader feature now (thank goodness), because web ‘designers’ (and site owners in general) can’t be relied on for visitor’s sake, ironic as it is.
‘“In the Netherlands, Belgium, France, the model trends are about two times lower than the observed trends . . . [i.e.] We’re reaching new records faster than you’d expect . . . We expected results based on modeling studies but it’s the first time we see [a much worse situation].”’
The dreadfully anticipated #Global Assessment Report on #Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (the one that gives the latest measured standing of global species loss) is coming from the UN's #IPBES. The final report is not yet available to the public, but an advanced draft of the summary chapter is...
And, my idol-of-worship, is that a complete lack of third-party advertising? Respectable. More like this, please. If you're in Canada, give them some coins.
Seriously, if you know of other regional climate crisis-oriented periodicals not relying on ad-tech, point them out.
I would love to have lounge room with an entire glass wall of this globe, slowly turning at the actual speed it does from the perspective of the moon, say, but with all the interactive controls at hand when wanted. And it should show hurricane eyes, fires, and other major environmental events in real-time too.
I do not love the idea of the juice it would require, though, to keep a screen that size lit up.
'Russia is preparing a nation-wide experiment where the whole country temporarily disconnects from the global Internet to see if the country can rely on Runet alone.'
There are authoritarian concerns, naturally, but the author is more interested in something else...
'how prepared the distributed web is for such a cut off and whether these networks will even remain operational.
I need a wall socket to replace an important one I broke in the living room by ripping a lamp cord out of the wall like a fucking ape (it got worse from there, but that’s a different story).
Not the whole socket, mind you, just the essential piece inside where the magic happens (‘prise’ in French).
‘Fixe-le avant que je rentre, connard,’ yelled the wifman up the stairs lovingly as she left for the big city across the border.
'Let's ditch twitter for something open, and under our control! No adverts, no analytics, no "algorithmic" promoted tweets. 500 characters! Let's use mapstodon instead!'
I don't know why anyone ever used Telegram, to be honest. There is no messaging system out there that could be more shadowy (i.e. in between obviously bad and not bad).
However, I give Pavel credit for giving Putin the finger. That takes pirate balls of steel. For that reason, I don't think he's a bad guy, exactly. But, human character and code are two different things.