tired: Hollywood
wired: Hollywood've's't'dve
enlightened: a group of Masto users forming covert cells and operating under darkness of night to make the HOLLYWOOD signage read HOLLYWOOD'VE'S'T'DVE'LDN'T
Sydney Falk, An Oversensitive SJW Type (sydneyfalk@mst3k.interlinked.me)'s status on Sunday, 31-Dec-2017 18:54:14 EST Sydney Falk, An Oversensitive SJW Type
avocado goblin (abreakinglass@cybre.space)'s status on Sunday, 31-Dec-2017 18:57:05 EST avocado goblin
@sydneyfalk nirvana: the news saying "it would've'st'd're'd required've'd a lot of effort, and was'd've'st're'd carried'st're'd out by the hacker known as mastodon"