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I told #sonTwo about the jobs I'm applying for at #sonOne's employer. He said, "A 50% reduction in pay? Well at least that will force you to leave California."
@lnxw48a1 What's inspiring that? I actually just had to turn down a recruiter because they pay they were trying to tempt me with was too low (wanted me to live in the DC area for non-trivially below the rate that a job in NC will get you.)
They also had "paid" training that I'd have to do, at $8/hr, but not actually $8/hr because unless you happen to live in the random part of virginia their training was in you'd have to either find a place to live or pay them for housing. Not really a good look...
i actually think I would've felt less insulted if the training was unpaid, thinking about it. Just that $8/hr figure and then lowballing so hard for one of the most expensive areas in the country turned me way off.
@tekk The federal government (at least my agency and @alpacaherder 's) is an awful, anti-employee place to work. I'd compare their attitude to a fast food chain or the big blue discount store. They pay better, but there is lots of uncompensated work to go with that.
@tekk @alpacaherder My agency turned firmly against employees in 2009. They've never so much as wavered from that course since then.
@lnxw48a1 @tekk Many things went horribly wrong in this country as of 2009-01-20. I don't comprehend why people think Mr. Obama was great.
@lnxw48a1 @tekk A certain rot hit the federal estate in the Obama years. You can work against it from the bottom only so much.
@lnxw48a1 @tekk I remember the good ol' days at the aerospace agency when I was a GS-1 intern. Sadly I can't get back there to work.