from Eventbrite
A chance for mastodon users to meetup in person. The inspiration from the event came from this video of a twitter event in its early growth days
Social networking, back in your hands The world’s largest free, open-source, decentralized microblogging network
Mastodon isn’t one place and one set of rules: it’s thousands of unique, interconnected communities to choose from, filled with different people, interests, languages, and needs. Don’t like the rules? You’re free to join any community you like, or better yet: you can host your own, on your own terms!
Putting the user first. You’re a person, not a product. Mastodon is a free, open-source development that has been crowdfunded, not financed. All instances are independently owned, operated, and moderated. There is no monopoly by a single commercial company, no ads, and no tracking. Mastodon works for you, and not the other way around.
The are over 1 million users and growing fast this stepping outside the “walled gardens”
It's time to take a step away and mastodon is right in many ways for this step.
The will be time for everyone to tell a little about themselves and the instances they are on/run.
We are hopeing for short presentations (5-10 min max) on Activity Pub and the W3C, Rust project Aarwolf/ Banjofox from folks who know.
Tuesday March 6. Times: doors open 6:30pm for 7pm start.
MozillaMetal Box FactorySuite 441, 4th floor30 Great Guildford StreetLondonSE1 0HS