(((Jesus))) is my favourite magical shape shifting Jew
They don't like my jingles down at the local Catholic Church.
I did cause a ruckus outside the local synagogue when I was protheltizing. One Saturday, I set up a BBQ and fried up bacon and eggs
"Convert now and you can eat bacon !!!! You don't have to wait until your baptised. Afterwards you can go home and have a warm shower....with the lights turned on !!!!.....we promise you can keep all the guilt and family hang ups !!"
@SLRock the push back against Christians, but no mention of the far less (classic) liberal nature of Islam is a little concerning...from a moral consistancy point of view.
My favourite line from fellow Aussie, Nick Cave was "I believe in a non interventionalist God"
Part of our journey here is figuring this shit out...on our own