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The way I see it, politics and spirituality are inseperable.
Level 1: The left vs. right divide, financially. (Socialism vs Capitalism)
Level 2: The left vs right divide, personally. (Order vs Freedom)
(This is why "Authoritarian right" and "Libertarian left" come so fucking unnaturally. This is why anarcho-syndicalists always end up veering up towards more authoritarian left-wing tendencies, and "fascists" always end up not being very *economically* right wing at all.)
These two (Order/Belonging/Safety vs Freedom/Individuality/Self-reliance) are natural enemies. They can exist in the same person, very few people are polarised to the degree that they are on entirely one side of this divide or another. Even the stony-heartiest Freedom lover would hesitate to watch an innocent die in a gutter from lack of help, and even the most stalwart Order devotee would find much to defend in slavery.
Which is why they're pitted against each other in.....
Level 3: The manipulators vs The manipulated
This is where Neitzsche was absolutely right with the Geneaology of Morality. In it, he posited the existence of "Master morality" ("I take what I want and do what I want, because it's mine") and "Slave morality" ("I have to earn what's mine and play by the rules"), and illustrated extremes such as "Blonde beasts", people who simply never THINK about whether they have a right to rule - they just do so.
These are the real winners and losers of the world. There are way, way more losers than there are winners. I can guarantee that on this scale, everyone reading this right now is a loser/manipulated - just like I am. If we weren't, we wouldn't be here. We would be making the decisions that shape the world to our whim and cause ordinary people like US to die from shit like war, sickness, or famine.
It does not matter whether you wish to fight them through Order ("Revolution! Smash the bourgeoisie!") or Freedom ("Fuck off statists! Smash the state!") - they will always win, because they will always pit the other side against you. Even when you are victorious, they will worm their way into whatever power structures your new society contains, and shape it so that it benefits only them.
Which brings us to (Bear with me here, don't fucking rage and turn your brain off, it gets better not worse)
Level 4: Jews vs gentiles/goyim
The elephant in the room. The part where most people start panicking. They can get as far as the whole "the elites are doing this/that/the other" thing, but when it comes to perceiving the truth that the vast, vast majority of these world shapers are Jewish, their brains turn off.
Believe what you will, at this stage, about why so many "manipulators" are Jews. but know that looking at Jewish DISTRIBUTION is a good way to track manipulators.
At this point, I would like to go back to what I said in Level 3 about how the manipulators will always come into your state, by pointing to the Soviet Union - in which the VAST majority of the starting revolutionaries were Jews, and in which the majority of the Bolshevik circle even in Stalin's premiership were Jewish. The case for what are commonly thoughtof in antisemitic right-wing circles as "Jewish tactics" establishing supramacy in anarcho-capitalist conditions scarcely needs to be made at all.
Right, that's the hard bit over. Because now let's address "why" this happens. That's the usual counterpoint to anyone bringing up Jews, right? "Why do they want to do all this, then?"
Well that's a great question.
Level 5: The Demiurge vs Literally All of Humankind
"The Jews" are not bad people. They are people just like everyone else. But what they are, according to all Abrahamic holy texts, is CHOSEN. But chosen by what?
Well, the gnostics had the general jist of it. They made the case that "God" in Abrahamic religions, is a petty, judgemental, miserable jailkeeper, at best an "evil creator" of a material plane that exists to keep humans oppressed, and at worst an "impostor" who didn't create anything at all. They cite the lies told by God to Adam in particular, regarding the Fruit of Knowledge.
When approaching anything spiritual, it is important to avoid being too literal. I'm not saying the Bible happened as written, or that the Gnostics were right about the Demiurge/the Pleroma/Sophia. But what I am saying is that concepts ARE deities, and there is a clear conflict in the world between this energetic being of spite, possessiveness, discord and misery, and EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN CREATION.
Why do you think no non-Abrahamic religions have a God so punitive? Why do you think Abrahamic religions are the ONLY ones that deny you multiple aspirational models? That rule the divine as off limits? That rule the PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE AS A SIN?
The first gnostics were Jews who rebelled. I owe much of this perspective to them.
Nothing is to be gained from following God. For anyone.