clacke ('s status on Tuesday, 29-May-2018 06:08:22 EDT clacke For Reasons I am still on NixOS 16.09, and the GNOME3 there has the useless keyring that can't handle ed25519.[0]
Here's the solution.
programs.ssh.startAgent = true;
if [ -v XDG_RUNTIME_DIR ]; then
[ -e $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent ] && export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent
Or, you know, just skip that if, if you like, and just assume XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is going to be set, because it is.
That's it. No more "Could not add identity .../id_ed25519: communication with agent failed".
[0] Ubuntu 18.04 finally solved it! I haven't looked if they fixed gnome-keyring, or if they worked around it by using another agent for ssh keys. But it's always nice to see something resolved after it being in the issue tracker for the larger part of a decade.-
Efraim Flashner ('s status on Tuesday, 29-May-2018 08:33:46 EDT Efraim Flashner @clacke Customize GuixSD: Use Stock SSH Agent Everywhere!