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It's weird seeing that...I don't know what to call them... 'once sort of piggybacking off GG'? side of the internet, youtuber types.
The people who claim to be liberal but say things and have audiences that are pretty right wing a lot of the time.
It's a weird world we live in.
They seem to basically exist so right wing (Or leaning there) people can go "see I like this one [indiviual that's part of a normally hated group by other leaning right people]"
People like...Blaire White, or Sh0e. Who act pretty anti-trans and strangely anti-left respectively.
...While also...being trans...and claiming to be liberal, respectively.
I'm not saying you have to be part of a hive-mind, I'm liberal and bi, and disagree with a decent amount of other liberal people, and LGBT stuff.
But people like those two come across ...not sure how to put it, kinda like useful tools? And it's sorta odd.
You'll see audiences of these sorts of people say some genuinely horrific stuff against -precisely those people- and they won't bat an eyelid.
There'll be people saying directly anti-LGBT stuff, full of bigotry and hatred for anyone gay, anyone trans, anyone bi. They'll outright loudly declare how proud they are to be straight and how all the gays, all the trans, all the bi, should burn.
Then they'll go watch some Blaire White or some other person who fits into being hated but kinda just panders and gets away with it, and be happilly accepted into that audience.
How on Earth do the content creators, or the audience itself, manage that disconnect in their heads.
It'd be like if you hated lesbians and bi people and think they all should die. But you supported Highland arrow both in reviews website and instance, and you thought I was a decent admin type on here.
The weird "they're 'one of the good ones' tho" doesn't make any sense to me.
@katiekats Well Sh0e sure is a t9ol, yes
I just don't...'get' them.
Blaire says a ton of outright anti-trans stuff, without any self-awareness, and most of her fans are all "burn all the trans! 'cept blaire I'd fuck blaire."
Then with Shoe/sh0e however the hell you type it. She's a weird attempting to be quirky boxie clone, who is apparently super liberal but...90% of the time is alligning with whatever generally right or ex-gg thing is going on.
@katiekats No matter how much channer dick she sucks shes still gonna be a faggot
Yeahhhh. I just...I dunno. The descriptor of 'self hating' is always one that I'm kinda uncomfortable about, because of how quick some people are to apply it.
But the way those two, and others like them, seem to genuinely despise the type of people -they themselves are- and allign in full with people who genuinely only want them -alive- because they're useful to them at the moment, baffles me.
Me and you have expressed issues with LGBT stuff in terms of it as a movement.
But we're not going about declaring hatred of 'all those damn gays' and openly choosing to associate with people who despise all we are.
Whereas those types...are doing so...but don't seem to really grasp the fact at the same time. It's so confusing to me.
I try to understand different 'sides' of arguments, to emphasize as best I can, and...I think I struggle with what they do, seemingly being completely okay with it, the most.
@katiekats I think its the same sort of thing as the "male feminist ally" types, they're saying those people are bad but they themselves are *so* much better than those people who are basically identical to them say what
Ahh, okay. That makes a bit more sense to me.