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"Someone called it "Blade Runner meets Cowboy Bebop meets Ghost in the Shell" Fuck, that sounds incredible."
Reddit post, that sounds utterly awful, what are you on.
They're talking 'bout Cyberpunk 2077's closed demo, but they could be talking about basically anything.
@katiekats Might as well call it Death of a Salesman meets Doom meets Mario Kart.
Mhm. People seem to have a weird thing in their head of that 'mash-ups' of stuff are always great.
They're not. Things can share similar-ish genre while still being very different and having deeply different tones and themes.
Mash-ups often, rather than adding to the things, just take away from them both.
@katiekats Mash-ups tend to be less than the sum of their parts more often than not because they come from a place of not respecting the subtle nuances and construction that made the original work.
Very much so yes. Mash-ups are fanservice taken to extreme a lot of the time, and is just as vapid as a lot of fanservice naturally is.