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Things I've sorted today in addition to getting kids ready for their holiday.
1> deleted my LastPass account - I've been using KeePassXC for some months now and it works well with syncthing and multiple devices
2> Uninstalled Brave-Bin, not used it seriously for quite some time so got rid (QuteBrowser & Falkon now serve all my graphical browsing needs)
3> removed other unused apps installed from AUR
4> replaced Yaourt with aurman - said to handle things in a more 'correct' manor
5> sudo pacman -Qnq |pacman -S -
6> reinstalled AUR packages I actually use 'duckdns', 'nano-syntax-highlighting-git' and 'ttf-ibm-plex-git'
now I need to focus on kids holiday travel stuff, later (possibly tomorrow) I will be looking at the ZG5 and that interesting OS I located for it.