@homer77 There was a mainstream neighborhood (local families with toddlers, disabled, etc) demo against increased Nazi propaganda in small suburb Kärrtorp, Stockholm on 2013-12-15,
About 30 of Nazi mob NMR did armed and armored assault on that demo.
Police had been informed of attack plans, but didn't tell targeted demo and neglected any prevention.
General public responded by chasing assaulting Nazis into the woods chanting e.g. "arrest them" at cops constantly aggressively facing the public, while Nazis kept throwing explosives, etc.
That lead to the 16000 demo in response on 2013-12-22.
I merged and shortened those videos for this post.
Also covered in free docu "The Antifascists": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYHnd4boUoM