Dear Tor user, we need to make sure you are a human. To keep our customers websites secure, we didn't find a better solution than blocking you by getting you stuck in an endless loop of unsolvable captchas. Oh, and of course, we don't give a shit about your need for privacy and anonymity.
#FuckCloudflare #FuckGoogle
just to follow up on my #FuckCloudflare posting from a while ago and their "solution" for TOR users and captchas I'd just like to say this:
1. They are outright lying outside of a handful of websites nobody cares about.
2. CloudFlare isn't to be trusted, their business model is to intercept traffic and monetize it, and they will do whatever is possible to legitimize themselves whether through marketing lies or other means.
They are expanding their traffic accumulation business model to IPFS and TOR only because these alternative systems which serve the purpose of protecting users can't be milked for profit and they feel threatened.
Don't use CloudFlare and don't feel pressured to visit sites which use CloudFlare and block you with captchas which will track your browsing.
(corrected hashtag: #FuckCloudFlare )