The time has come, yet again, for a brief hiatus. I suspect this will be ever so slightly shorter than the last time around, given the overall lessening of distractions. Nevertheless. Now is a good time to catch up on your reading, whether it be of the posts themselves or the further reading suggested therein. Or, if you need more Alpha Centauri right here right now, the Paean.
Now is also a good time to leave comments, suggestions and other feedback. The sooner it is given, the faster it can be incorporated into the writing process. There’s still quite a number of posts to go, so you might just end up having more of an impact than you know.
For those wondering where the division into chapters comes from: they are straightforwardly imported from this design document, which also conveniently doubles as the official tech tree visualization. Do check it out.
Speaking of things to do, I would encourage you to tell a friend about this project. Just one friend. Think long and hard about who among your peers would enjoy reading something like this, then go tell them. Personal recommendations go a long way to introduce new readers, and I reckon it will be ever so slightly more fun to read the new posts alongside someone else when the time comes.
Also, if you have way too much energy in your power grid, here is a Patreon link.
Until we meet again, stay healthy.