Those instances where things could have gone very differently, but didn’t due to the convergence of chance and improbably happenstance
Turns of phrase that sparked life
The times where we acted on sudden inexplicable impulses, which resulted in us finding a new life interest or a vital course of action
Those moments when we were mere inches from the abyss, but the slightest hint of a breeze made us turn away
Those liminal moments when beauty catches us unawares
The sky
Conversations where a half-remembered fact caused us to ask a question or say something that changed the trajectory to the better
Sudden bursts of energy to Power Through It
Situations which first appeared high energy, but then turned out to not be
Accidental coincidences that statistically speaking should not have happened, but thankfully did
Stray social media interactions that led to long-lasting friendships
The times we realized we’ve never actually seen what’s around a corner, and went there to see
The things that caused us to have new dreams
The myriad of instances where things wouldn’t usually, but on this particular day, they did
Forgiveness, deserved and undeserved
The times where we accidentally said just the right words to help someone out, without realizing it
The times when it happened to us
Found books, wherein we found ourselves
The days beyond this one which are still perfect