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"Because postmodern critical theory views the search for truth as always defined by one’s place in an oppression matrix, thinking there’s an objective truth that can be discovered is turned into a moral problem. Seeking objective truth is viewed as an attempt to ‘colonize’ others with our truth claims; and because we are all situated (by time, place, culture, sexuality, etc.), there can be no Truth. In short, seeking objective, non-situated Truth is viewed as an act of oppression. And it is this final turn that has not only put the emancipatory project of the Enlightenment beyond our grasp but also outside of what is deemed morally conscionable."
This is the dark side of social justice, and plays into what I posted earlier about the clash between evolutionary behaviourism and the mind-as-a-blank-slate mentality of sosial justice warriors.
If the mind is a blank slate, and everything is a social construct, there can be no objective truth about the mind.
It's not possible to reach consensus on anything political in a society where one half believes in the tabula rasa and the other half does not. In crucial theory, humans have few if any innate traits and society can be shaped as one pleases. In what you might call traditional theory (which includes Darwinism) humans have a number of innate traits and society must be shaped around these.