We're having a Get Together in [Reading](https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/14808039), UK on Saturday March 16th. We'll meet at Breddog in Reading!
We'd like to gauge how many people might come, so please sign in and mark yourself as wanting to come.
Back in November we did a [poll](https://twitter.com/ubuntupodcast/status/1065948903139393538) on Twitter to see what kind of social event our listeners were interested in. Overwhelmingly (and perhaps unsurprisingly) you [chose](https://twitter.com/ubuntupodcast/status/1069280664980258816) a Pub/Restaurant meet, so that's what we're doing.
It'll be a relaxed social event with the presenters having a beer or fruit-based drink, and maybe some food to be decided later.
Do let us know if you'd like to come by marking yourself attending **here**