@moonman both are in human nature, but I dont think in equal amounts. The advance of our technology and the increase of our living standards has usually come from a cooperative effort, as we become more connected our ability to feel empathy applies to more and more people and the evolution of our society has gone from tribes to villages to feudal kingdoms to empires and on to the space age.
@moonman in my opinion the logical next step is the unification of the working class and the consolidation of economic classes into one as wealth is spread and allocated based on need and potential.
@cybermeow in my experience when you try to get people to extend empathy past their monkeysphere, it ends up substituting for empathy for neighbors. Not sure how to overcome this but I have felt this is the reason that uncensorable p2p communicaton tools are needed. Corporate social networks don't operate in our interests, federated like gs/mastodon end up siloing.
@cybermeow yeah I think where plans for this have failed in the past, better communication tools, even the ones we have now, will help a lot. But it needs to be possible to organize over these tools and right now the tools are hostile to that.
@moonman yeah humans dont evolve at an instant rate, itl take time and probably cultural relevance before people come to be comfortable with a 100% connected fully p2p model of communication
@roka Mainly I mean the tools aren't really built for it right now, but I also mean Facebook/Twitter overlords have control over what you're allowed to organize for.
@moonman this is the law of the jungle as old and as true as the sky, the wolf that shall keep it will prosper, the wolf that shall break it will die, as the creeper that girdles the tree trunk the law runneth forward and back, the strength of the pact is the wolf, the strength of the wolf is the pact.