by the way, your posts are protected by copyright — if you were included in the archive team’s dump, send them a DMCA. make copyright law work for you for once.
@kaniini hey, i'm one of the former admins of berries (and the one who handled all the financials/still owns the domain). this is absolutely not acceptable and the former admin team will be taking action as soon as we figure out the proper channels.
mastodon HAS an archive function and we made it very clear to users how to use it in the days before the site went down. anyone who wanted an archive of their posts would have downloaded them already. berries had A LOT of minors who didn't give any kind of consent to have their posts archived. berries also had a lot of artists and content creators and their work is now also archived without their consent.
@kaniini@DashEquals our github fork still exists: why didn't you open an issue there to request that the instance be archived? or find one of the former admins on an alt to contact us directly?
this is a decision that directly impacts the 2000 former users, but also anyone whose posts were federated to berries. of those users, hundreds were LGBT minors, many of whom lived in situations where it was unsafe for them to be out. almost everyone on the instance was marginalized in some way or another and spoke about their experiences with marginalization. the majority of us were also mentally ill and this is going to cause paranoia and anxiety among, again, LGBT children, many of whom are people of color, because this was, again, done in secret and without consent.
please give me the correct contact info to request an immediate takedown of the archive.
@tutu yeah, i figured you all didn't consent to having Archive Team archive your instance. if you place a robots.txt blocking ia_archiver user agent, should delete all the data Archive Team uploaded to their service.
@tutu by the way thank you for sticking with it and running berries for as long as you did. I think you all did a good service by introducing a lot of people to the fediverse while also keeping things relatively chill! it definitely was one of the chiller Mastodon communities.