reminder that #BryanLunduke that is marketing chief of #purism, gave support for #ICE.
Remember, that racist agency that even imprisons children.
He made a video commenting on the removal of CTO from ICE from a #github conference.
He uses following argumentation:
- let's leave politics aside
- if left or right I don't care
- you cannot make everyone happy
- if you remove someone from a conference, more people will be mad at you
- ignore the critism, host anyone
this is the story of oportunism.
this is the story of marketing as a means
the video is sponsored by #purism. And his followers on twitter do have a clear position, that support his view points.
Those are the ones purism is advertised to.
makes punshlines against #mozilla and #riseup as supporter of #antifa that he describes as a terrorist organisation.
says he's anti-harrasment, but tolerates r#acism and #ableism on their plattform.