There are stories of Tiger Woods hitting 1,000 balls at the range without a break. And of Jason Williams practicing dribbling for hours on end without ever shooting a ball.
That’s how you become an expert. That’s how you get amazing results.
At least in some fields.
I'm wondering...what would that be in #infoSec? In #programming?
Deliberate practice ( is mostly built off of 4 criteria:
Designed and evaluated by an expert
Stretches you and is uncomfortable
Requires your total concentration
Consists of a lot of repetition
Usually, it comes down to exercising one aspect of something. If you want to get good at drawing people, don't just draw 100 people. Draw 100 eyes. 100 noses. 100 hands.
If you want to get good at putts, make 100 putts. From the same spot. Then move a little. And make 100 more putts.
What types of deliberate practice do we have in the tech industry?