I know our theme here is restore the future past, and I'm down with that. I'm also gonna hella diverge here. The cyberpunk mythos era wasn't it for me; at least not solely.
My future past was one phrase: "Wir mussen wissen, wir wollen wissen." - the mathematician Hilbert, on multiple occasions, including his epitaph.
The implicit faith behind that... we must know; we will know ...is we can know. That faith is the future lost I seek to restore. A rejection of the idea that seeking understanding is fruitless. An axis of glorifying that peculiar human trait, of seeking to understand.
Why do I chase a Diophantine equation; why do I pursue it through the depths of unit groups in dungeons of number fields? Because it is vital that the alternative, of claiming it can be neither trapped nor proven untrappable, be unthinkable.