@chalkahlom Thanks! That looks interesting. I have used a number of devices I saw when scanning the videos already available on that channel: the IBM 029 card punch, Friden Flexowriter, Facit mechanical calculator, etc. I probably said before that I have an old VAXstation in my attic which I'd dearly love to get working again, though I'm sure my skills aren't up to fixing it if there's a loud bang when I turn it on!
@chalkahlom I will record the process if I can! At the moment I'm digging my way through the attic, through the stuff that tends to accumulate in attics, with regular trips to the local waste management facilities and the local charity shops along the way!
Attics do seem to gather stuff, something about them... oh... If it works, lets try to get SPICE running on it ;-) I remember that 'hateful' program for my University days.
@chalkahlom I remember the name but forget what it was. Was it a Circuit Simulator (the only reference I can find)? I don't think we ran it, even though the university I worked at was largely engineering-oriented.
@chalkahlom I don't recall it being on our VAXCluster (nor on the DEC Alphas we replaced it with), but maybe a VAXstation running DEC Windows (an early X environment) could run it - slowly 😉