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>SARS-CoV-2 doesn't just bind to ACE2, but it also binds to CD147/Basigin which is prevalent in T-cells
>in order to successfully infect a cell, not only does it need to bind to those proteins, but it needs to be protein-cleaved at a rough area in the spike protein
>furin and plasmin seem to do this predominantly, which explains why elevated furin and plasmin levels seem to give so many worse outcomes
>Furin requires a 4-base amino sequence to actually cleave anything - RxxR where x is any other amino acid, and RxRR and RRxR give significantly increased cleavage efficiency
Now here's the fun part.
>One of the landmark articles, cited by the media, and published in Nature by the name The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2
>the abstract specifically concludes that there is no evidence to support the notion that the virus was human-modified or lab-made
>the article then goes on to specifically note a polybasic cleavage site in the S2 subunit
>its structure: PRRA-R where PRRA is a completely new genetic insertion and the last R already existed in closely-related viruses
>however, none of the closely related viruses, like the pangolin strain that's supposed to be more than 99% similar, have these four bases in this location - in fact it's a completely new genetic addition
>none of the closely-related coronaviruses have this sequence either
>you have to go over to the HKU5 strain of batcoronaviruses to find a RxxR cleavage site anywhere in the S2 subunit, and it's only about 36% similar to CoV-2 and very distantly related
>the Nature article even comments on this - commenting that it's well-known that this polybasic cleavage sequence increases infectivity in coronaviruses - like MERS
>yet their conclusion is that a sudden addition of 4 entire amino acids into a sequence of exactly the right type and exactly the right place to increase transmissivity in a virus whose closest relatives have nothing close to a cleavage site isn't suspicious at all and shows no sign of being man-made
>even though the main reason anyone knows about RxxR cleavage in coronaviruses are from manmade additions of exactly this type
>even though back in 2006 US scientists added a RRSRR cleavage site into SARS to test out the hypothesis
>and in 2008 Japanese scientists inserted RRAR into a SARS strain
>and so did the Dutch in 2008
>and so did US scientists in 2009
>and so did the Chinese across the 2010s, including one paper published in October 2019 about inserting RxxR into chicken coronavirus and performing live chicken tests
My only question is why the media is lying about these things or staying quiet.