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May 25
>We're still in the midst of the pandemic, it's too early to open things up
>No we don't care if you're going bankrupt and your job may not even exist, we need to stay in shutdown for more than a month
>After all we just spent the last 3 months shutting down the global economy, this is serious
>No, masks don't really help much, they only reduce possibility of transmission but aren't 100% effective
>Even if you're young, the point is to not spread it to older people. Why do you hate grannies?
>You need to social distance! Stop going outside, make sure you're 6+ feet away from others!
>Don't even try to protest, you covidiots! What are you even protesting, the right to get a haircut?
>Haha look at these gun nuts bringing guns to a protest, you can't do anything to the military!
June 6
>Well, the pandemic is petering out, so chances of transmission are low now!
>Well, the people at the protests are young, so the chances of them dying are low. Huh? What do old people have to do with this?
>Well, the protesters are wearing masks, so it's okay that they're packed shoulder-to-shoulder in the thousands. Masks are 100% effective in stopping transmission.
>What are we protesting? The death of a methhead freaking out while on fentanyl to boot. Ignore his criminal record where he spent 5 stints in jail including one from that time he did a break-and-enter, held up the woman living there at gunpoint, and stole her shit.
>By the way if right-wing gun nuts don't show up at these protests to defend us against the military with their guns, then they never cared about the 2A at all.
>What do you mean we voted away the right to own or carry guns in cities? Do it anyways, you hypocrites!