just an actual husbear ('s status on Friday, 05-Jun-2020 14:20:33 EDT just an actual husbear
@_p @realcaseyrollins @djsumdog @sim >I got the impression she was a bit of an opportunist
That was my opinion of her since I heard her on an interview with Dave Rubin, explaining how she got her "red pill". She basically said she flipped on everything she believed in almost overnight after the mob turned on her. As someone who has had multiple big shifts in my political beliefs in my life, all of those shifts were long and torturous. I just don't believe someone can 180 flip genuinely held beliefs that quickly.-
djsumdog ('s status on Friday, 05-Jun-2020 14:33:31 EDT djsumdog
@guizzy @sim @_p @realcaseyrollins If someone believed covid19 was the worst thing ever and never faulted, or something though it was totally fake and never changed their mind, neither can think critically. Most of us looked at things daily and weighed them.
This recent rage machine feels super reactionary; a generation of people taught to react with a 👍 or emoji without thinking. "Silence is violence" is Double-speak; pushing people to react without thinking as a sign of virtue. This is insane