Looking at how many Pump.io instances and associated services are gone.
Looks like there are exactly two instances with open registration (Identi.ca is closed for registration).
Considering that this page began in 2017 with an effort to disperse E14N Pump instances among the community, it is really sad to see how badly that effort failed.
that's why I favor P2P over federated. people don't generally wish to install and maintain servers. we have to remove the distinction between client and server for distributed networks to thrive in a truly decentralized way, instead of having them tend to recentralization because of the economies of server maintenance
Just to play devils advocate here, not to say your thoughts are not valid, how would this work?
During my day I typically use three devices, my phone, a desktop computer and a notebook. If there is no server involved and I am in communication with someone on my phone and then go to my desktop computer, how does the message history/conversation move?
Same for my notebook that only gets turned on in the evening?
What about messages that I might receive when all are off?
There are some P2P schemes in which there are servers to provide temporary storage, so that could be a partial answer. Or something using a DHT as temporary storage.
The true answer from my perspective is that this is a field for exploration and no one knows what may be ahead.
as of a year or two ago, I'd tell you to install twister to see for yourself. nowadays, I point people at GNU Jami as one way to go about it. ssb is another approach. personally, I've been thinking of P2P encrypted and distributed storage, and local apps holding keys to access the distributed storage. I have to finish the article about the general plan and publish it. want to take a peek?