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A helpful thing to immediately brighten your mood about yourself and the world: Stop playing Jesus.
Stop assuming you're responsible for the state and fate of the world. You are not. Stop declaring yourself responsible to change it either. Pressure and depression will recede.
And no, you won't let go the world to hell (flip side of the same manic coin).
You'll become grateful, attentive, appreciative... which nourishes the world (in case you need that assurance of "relevance").
And stay open for being changed.
Playing Jesus yields a sugar high of moral superiority ("Garden of Gethsemane for none but me!"), only to be followed by a swing to the depressive phase ("the world is doomed, nobody is listenting! To me!")
You become a moralising entitlement queen whilst you won't change things to the better. You become an unpleasant, awful contemporary. In fact, a snob with regard to pain. (Been there, done that.)